Chapter 48: Hidden Secrets

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Naruto and Obito watched from a mountain as Pain attacked Kumo with ease, flattening the village in seconds as they watched him interrogate several Kumo shinobi asking about Killer Bee's whereabouts, but as far as they could tell, none of them knew. 

"Naruto," Obito began, his arms crossed. "Why did you want me to send Pain here? You already killed the 4th Raikage and put the 5th Raikage into power. You couldn't find anything, so why destroy the village?" 

"Well, I interrupted the Kage Summit as you already know, but I also declared the 4th Great Shinobi War while I was there. Without the 4th Raikage Kumo is already crippled, but I want them to taste despair and hopefully surrender without too much fighting." 

"So why Pain? You could claim that you've destroyed three Hidden Villages." Obito reasoned. 

"Because they already know what I'm capable of," Naruto replied easily. "I want them to know what the Akatsuki is made of, and as far as they know, each member is the same strength as Pain, who just leveled an entire village with an Almighty Push. It will make their hope crumble into the dirt and leave them in a state of shock and despair." 

"Oh," Obito said, forming an 'o' with his mouth. "I see, that's quite devious little brother." Naruto allowed a smirk to cross his face. 

"Thank you. Though you would've done the same eventually with the Hidden Leaf if I had not joined you." Obito shrugged. 

"Perhaps, but you were always to be kept alive. Once we extracted the Kyuubi out of your body I would've made Nagato bring you back to life whether you had intentions of joining me or not." Naruto chuckled. 

"It was never a choice brother, we both know that." With that, he began walking away. "I may have chosen this path, but it was the path that was set for me since the beginning. I simply chose to run down it rather than walk." 

'That is true,' Obito thought. 'I always intended on you working with me during the last phase of the Infinite Tsukuyomi Plan.' 

Naruto disappeared in a Kamui, swirling into a vortex before disappearing. Obito looked back at Nagato who had just finished killing five Jounin. 

"Very well, Nagato. I shall see you later." He then disappeared in his own Kamui. 

Naruto appeared from a vortex in front of the graveyard of Konoha. He quickly put his hood up around his raven locks before walking through the dimly lit graveyard. The moon shined brightly overhead and lighting his path as he weaved through the graves to the newer ones. He looked down at a particular stone and saw Anko Mitarashi carved into the granite. 

He calmly sat down on his knees, his Sharingan activated as he looked down. "I couldn't protect you." He said in a calm mannered tone. "I failed both you and Sakura after I made a promise that I would protect you both. And now I'm bringing peace to the world so I can see you again, so I can see both of you." He looked to his left and saw Sakura Namikaze engraved onto the stone. 

"I wasn't strong enough to save you. But I promise," He stood up, wiping the dirt off of his knees. "I won't fail again." 

"I knew you would come here," A female voice rang out. Naruto turned around and saw Yugao Uzuki standing just a few feet in front of him. "I've been waiting. I've been coming here every night." 

"Why? Want a slice at the traitor?" Naruto asked with a humorless chuckle at the end. "Or is it revenge? I did kill many of your Anbu comrades." 

"They had the chances to back down. Even if they were my friends, they were fools to challenge someone like you." Naruto looked at her emotionlessly. 

"Are you saying Tsunade made it a choice to come after me?" Yugao nodded. 

"She did, after I refused the initial assignment that is." Naruto's eyes widened slightly. 

"You refused her orders?" Another nod. Naruto's lips curled slightly upwards. "I'm impressed. Not many would defy their Kage." 

"Many more would if it meant facing you. You're too powerful even for Kage level shinobi." 

"It's hard to argue with that assessment." He stated before fully facing her. "What are you doing here, Yugao?" 

"You saved me," Yugao said almost meekly, looking down at the grass. "In more ways than one. You saved me from my hatred for the Sand after Hayate's death. You saved me from enemy shinobi. And you saved me from myself. I owe you my life." 

"I don't want it." Naruto instantly replied. "This world is fake. In the real world, everyone we've ever lost is alive. There is no pain." Yugao shook her head. 

"There is always pain because pain makes us human. An illusion is not a better world. In the end, you will be dooming humanity. We all age, we all die. I'm not going to stop you, I'm not sure I can. But right now what you're doing is only going to result in the extinction of humanity." Naruto looked into her brown eyes with his apathetic gaze. 

"I'm a selfish person." He said. "I just want to be happy." Yugao slowly walked up to him, watching as he didn't move an inch as she did so. 

"You can be happy in this world." She said as she took another step closer, being just a foot away from the raven-haired in front of her. 

"No, I can't," Naruto spoke. "It's taken too much from me." 

"Yes, you can," Yugao said gently, taking another bold step forward, inches away from the man in front of her. "I thought the same before I found out I could love something else, someone else." He could feel her warm breath on his collar bone. 

She slowly reached forward, her hands going around his neck and pulling down his hood, his Sharingan blazing as he looked deeply into her brown eyes, the crimson almost hypnotizing as she briefly licked her red-lipsticked lips before stepping on her tippy-toes to reach him before placing her lips onto his. 

She slowly moved her lips on his unmoving ones, her eyes closed. Naruto, in a state of shock, disengaged the kiss with a quick step back. "I can't." He whispered, his Sharingan disappearing and revealing his vibrant blue eyes. "It's not right." 

"You can," Yugao whispered as she suddenly grabbed him and swung her arms around his sides. "I don't want you to be alone anymore." She looked up, meeting his scared blue eyes. "Please, indulge my own selfish desires for the night. Please, let me feel loved again." 

Naruto knew he was standing right in front of Anko's gaze, the woman he loved. He knew this was wrong. But. . .

His Sharingan appeared before he captured Yugao's lips with his own passionately, his arms going down to her lower hips as he pulled her closer to himself. 

He was not Naruto. Naruto was dead. 

Yugao's warm brown eyes opened, the light from the window of her bedroom peaking out from behind the curtains and shining in her gaze. She slowly sat up, the blanket barely covering her naked body. She looked to her right and saw the empty spot that was occupied the other night by none other than Naruto Namikaze. 

She quickly laid back down. 

She would have to wait longer before she saw him again, if she would ever see him again. She loved him. She knew it was wrong to love a criminal but she did. Ever since he saved her in that forest and held her she had loved him. 

She was a mess. But that was okay. 

He was a mess too. 

And done. Sorry for late but yeah. 

And yeah. 

Til next time my lil demons! 

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