♢I'm my mom

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My body began to shake as I heard the screams of a familiar voice that begged for mercy and said  "please spare me I need to take care of my daughter she needs me she needs guidance and love !" he wailed in pain but was then thrashed by another painful hit.

"don't talk to the  elegant white diamond like that you piece of trash" yelled what sounded like an amethyst guard. The voice that was of  my comfort was now being tormented and forced to take action for his so called crime I caused this problem didn't I? We have been on home world for about a year now , its gone so quickly .my dad has been on trial and it seems there has become of a conclusion. The conclusion ?.Death.The walls that surrounded me were dark and small to the point that I could feel like that all my breath had escaped me.I pulled my kness close to me to feel a bit of warmth and comfort as I sat on a old bed. The door let in only a few streams of light . I was trapped .

An unknown voice spoke loudly and in anger ." a human like you should never even think about interacting with our gem culture and even worse with our most well developed gems and to go to the point of even thinking of bearing a so called child you call it  with our most high class gems , how dare you and to think Galicia even stuped down so low for a human and became that thing, ugh this is ridiculous!"she raged on .

"The binding of what appears to be  a human body and a gem is forbidden and is honestly disturbing  and therefore for this disgusting crime you will be executed ! , I don't know what she was thinking of  becoming this, I blame you for her becoming this way human!" She raged on. " This flawed hybrid will be taken care of and we will oversee  her for her  punishments and  for her crimes   by the diamond authority  , we wont shatter her dont worry we would never do that to such a precious gem just be glad were even keeping her shes useless anyways ." She cackled.

Your father growled at the statement  while you dug your head deeper into your legs ."we will teach her what is of right and wrong and will over see her for what damage she has caused during the war, you have no say in guidance  your  just a pitiful human that knows of nothing of the gem world , ok then starlight " she spoke silkily.

"you know nothing of right and wrong your so called gem world is corrupt and is built on lies how do you know any of your so called loyal subjects like this place you have created , have you ever taken into consideration as to how they feel? And  love is love yeah and ... it may sound cheesy at first but give it a chance  even if it may be separated by a few differences or may seem impossible  and y/n is not Galicia ,she shouldn't be answering for what her mother did that's unfair  !"your father yelled hoarsely" and Galicia bearing y/n and even giving up her form for our child shows our love and Galacia decided to become y/n nobody forced her , it's not y/n s fault , your not being very rational please I'm begging you ."   

"amethyst teach him some manners"she said displeasingly in a monotone voice . A stinging whipping sound on skin echoed through the room as screams of agony erupted from your father  .

White began again  "  hmph Humans are  so flawed and rather pitiful disgusting creatures I'd say but how entertaining  , ha what a fool  and Galacia is in there she's just needs to be reminded of who she is , is all how silly "she cackled again.You winced at the sound.Your father sighed a sigh of one's faith being ripped out of him and being lost forever as he gave up knowing he couldn't persuade a very close minded, proud person."I'm sorry" you heard your father whisper.

"Take him away amethyst "she spoke boredly "I don't have time for these silly games ".
You growled in anger and bit your lip till it bled  how dare she you thought.
"I love you y/n  and I believe in you I know you can do this ..and I'm sorry" your father whispered sadly nearly sobbing.  "DAD! "you screamed losing your mind ." NO! NO! NO WAIT !"you screamed continuslly until your throat became raw with pain and was raspy."shut up you swine" one of the amethyst guards spat.

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