♢The Escape from Homeworld

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Hey y'all! Sorry it took a bit long Lmao but here it is . Who's your favourite gem from SU? :3
Mines garnet and amethyst 🌈

⚠Long chapter beware ⚠

Probably going to be a part 2 for this :p

You wake up with a sharp pain still swarming in your head and lift your body up to find a plate of food as you were a human and did get hungry ,but you ignore it as you don't feel hungry it's like your sadness fed your belly that you couldnt even feel the hunger . You touched your now puffy eyes to the point you couldn't even see properly and wiped away the liquid still leaking your eye .

The door creaked open to reveal a tall , buff purple amethyst guard it appeared to look like the amethyst that was called 8XJ with long flowy hair and a fringe that covered her forehead and she said " sup y/n...fancy meeting you here "she said trying to cheer you up ."hey" you croaked your voice barely above a whisper .Her expression softened at your state . With your long amount of time being on homeworld most of the amethyst guards that were from born off the kindergarten on earth were the gems that supported you on homeworld .

They always showed you kindness and you appreciated it so much ."my diamond requires your presence." the amethyst guard looked at you for a long time and you started to frown making it even worse to see and asked "what you looking at swine , ever taught that it was rude to stare "you cackled jokingly while sniffing as she panicked "sorry... I just can't believe I'm able to see a rare gem that's even close to the diamonds "she said winking " only a few gems know about your power if everyone knew it would cause panick " she Said awkwardly shrugging.

"Well I'm not anything like the diamonds and I don't intend to be a dictator either i intend to fight for what's right , gem rareness or higher authority shouldn't make that being seem that they can do anything that suits them because they were made that way and maybe even be so narcissistic to the point that higher being is worshipped as a god and the loyal servants must follow every order to the point you forget who you are as a being yourself " you vented angrily pulling your baby blue sweater over your long white hair and walked past her earning a gulp from her.

You felt bad for your outburst and said to her "I'm sorry you're  actually quite a great gem , your just being led by the wrong leaders."
"I'm sorry that you even have to go through this , please remember the gangs here " she said trying to comfort me and then placed a hand on my shoulder and grinned . Your lips curved into a small smile and mumbled "thank you " and squeezed her hand in appreciation .You squinted as you stepped into the light .

You walked down as your amethyst guard lead you down the bright yellow corridor and walked straight towards yellow pearl. "8XJ reporting I have Galicia with me for my diamond" as she did the diamond salute. You sighed eyes droopy . "follow me" said yellow pearl.

You were then lead to yellow diamonds temple you gulped and entered after yellow pearl put her hand print on the key pad to open the door . "My diamond " said pearl saluting but you did not salute and looked at yellow with no expression at all . Yellow sat on a tall golden throne which was surrounded by bubbled items as she looked down seriously at you .

" Greetings Galicia did you enjoy your timeout. " you bit your lip trying to control your tongue from regretting what it would do but instead kept quiet ." So you dont speak now do you " spoke yellow diamond proudly she began again" now as for your punishment for causing a war against your own creators there will be consequences Galicia "she spoke sternly .

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