PROMPTS (completed)

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~~~ PROMPT 2~~~  "Just before you fall asleep something scuttles across your window scaring you awake. Describe that moment in 50 words or less:

Mine:  My heart pounded as my brain searched out the unfamiliar noise that woke me rudely. Frozen scared until I saw a shadow framed on my wall from a car's passing headlight. My sweet parrot Nala had returned to tell me what my boyfriend had been up to tonight. I smiled.

~~~ PROMPT 3~~~ "Curious, you open an email from an old acquaintance. You haven't heard from them for some years and you didn't part on the best of terms. You stare in disbelief... you have been cursed. What is the message/curse? 140 characters or less."

Miss me? For taking my girlfriend and our business to start your own, I curse you to be unhappy until you have but a dollar left to your name.

~~~ PROMPT 4~~~ Write a 150-200 word story inspired by (creepy) video.

Behind my white mask surrounded by a black hoodie, I stood at my big glass window watching all the little kiddies walk by in their colorful costumes with parents trailing just behind them. Outside my front door was a big black plastic cauldron filled with candy. It is difficult to take more than one piece when they see me in the window keeping an eye on them.

A woman in her thirties grabbed a little boy by his costume and jerked him to her side. As far as I could tell he was behaving perfectly. The father of the child calmly told her that he would take their child around the rest of the block while she went home to get ready for their party. She flipped him off with her middle finger and walked away. Excited I followed her. She caught sight of me as she turned down the dark long cobblestone alley near our houses. My heart pounded as hers must have too for she started to run. I caught up to her and slammed her to the ground for which she let out a scream. I had to silence her by choking the life out of her.

~~~ PROMPT 8~~~ "Your version of the scariest six words."

"Nobody will ever see you again."

~~~ PROMPT 9~~~  Everyone has heard of haunted houses. Haunted objects, churches and so on. But is it really the only places?! Are there places that for that have never been considered as haunted before? Open your mind and tell us, in no more than 100 words, where the Devil is hiding.  (Somewhere no one would think of.)

Lucifer has roamed this earth over a billion times, and not always does he use his feet. There isn't a place that he can't hide, not that he ever needed to. I have learned he can hear my thoughts, even though I had been told differently growing up. Even in church he holds open the door, but he can't touch the orbs of spirits inside. Thinking about him brings him to my room, as he watches me say my prayers before I go to sleep. It's my dreams I can't keep him away, and his smile gives me the creeps.

~~~ PROMPT 12~~~ Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet.... when along came a spider... Tell us what happens next in 50 words.

Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet,

When along came a spider having to rough it,

Made his way down to her neck.

Wanting a taste of her sweet blood,

Without falling into the mud,

He hoped for a quick peck.

But the sweat on her nape,

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