Prompt 4 - Creepy Video- Halloween Hunter

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Write a 150-200 word story inspired by (creepy) video.

Behind my white mask surrounded by a black hoodie, I stood at my big glass window watching all the little kiddies walk by in their colorful costumes with parents trailing just behind them. Outside my front door was a big black plastic cauldron filled with candy. It is difficult to take more than one piece when they see me in the window keeping an eye on them.

A woman in her thirties grabbed a little boy by his costume and jerked him to her side. As far as I could tell he was behaving perfectly. The father of the child calmly told her that he would take their child around the rest of the block while she went home to get ready for their party. She flipped him off with her middle finger and walked away. Excited I followed her. She caught sight of me as she turned down the dark long cobblestone alley near our houses. My heart pounded as hers must have too for she started to run. I caught up to her and slammed her to the ground for which she let out a scream. I had to silence her by choking the life out of her.

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