Prompt 15 - First Scary Tale

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~~~ Sometimes spooky tales can be heard in or from expected places or a person. Where and how did you hear about the scariest tale. Tell us in 101-199 words. ~~~

The scariest story I had heard first came from my sister Sharon who passed away in a seizure a few years ago. When my younger brother, Eric and I were kids, Sharon told us of a man who liked to steal children when the parents were asleep. He would slip into the kids' window and carry them back out when they were sleeping so they wouldn't even know until they were far away from the safety of their home. Later that night, Sharon put a nylon stocking over her head, went outside and crept up to our bedroom window. Eric and I were playing with our toys and were oblivious of fear. Sharon stretched her head and stared at us until we saw her. We screamed in sheer terror as we headed to our door, only to crash into our parents. We tried to explain through our tears that there was someone outside to kidnap us and take us away. Sharon walked in behind them with a smile on her face. Our Mom knew immediately she was behind it. As an adult she ended up ministering for God, but every year she won Halloween contests for her scary costumes.

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