𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 | Meet Hunter Gerard

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This chapter is gonna be focusing on Hunter's point of view 🙈
I hope you guys will enjoy this one! ❤️

Hunter's POV

"What did exactly happen back there, boss?" Max asked for what it felt like a thousandth time since we left the freaking party. He wouldn't stop chasing after me to know what actually happened at the frat house.

Who am I kidding? I'm not just gonna fucking tell them that a chick just punched me right in my damn face in the middle of the fucking crowd. That would absolutely jeopardise my reputation for God sake. FUCK!?

"Leave it alone, Max!?" I tried to shut him out again but he refused to fuck off.

"C'mon, boss. We really wanna know..."

I spinned around so quickly that he almost crashed into me then I yelled in his face, "JUST STOP ASKING SO MANY FUCKING QUESTIONS!?"

Finally, it was enough for him to shut the hell up!?

"Alright, I'm sorry. Okay?" he raised both of his hands in surrender but I just stormed inside my mansion without another word.

I went into the bedroom before slamming the door shut and locking it. I took a few steps towards the bed and plopped down on the edge of it. Instinctively, my head fell into my hands.

Never have I ever been hit by a girl and let her walked away with that.

Even God knows better that I would never ever hurt a girl. I know that I lead the most dangerous gang of this town but that's not how I do stuff around here. I only take what's mine and make sure that people mind their own business.

But to hold a grudge on a girl for punching me?

It's just not the way I am. It's not me...

"Fuck!? Who is she anyway?" I ran my fingers through my hair and tugged at them.

A few minutes later, I heard a knocking on the door. I sighed and lifted my head up before questioning who was at the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's just me. Is everything okay, boss?" a familiar voice asked through the door.

That's Jared. My most trusted guy and my closest friend. He lived with me in this big ass mansion because he is one of the gang members that I can definitely count on in whatever situations.

"Fine. Why wouldn't it be?" I responded.

"Well, Max told me that you're in a bad mood like something is bothering you. That's why I asked." he said.

Even if he did insist me to tell him what the fuck is wrong with me, I ain't telling him shit about a decent girl who just smacked me across the face. He would be laughing his ass off and I had to put my head in the fucking toilet.

Without any further thoughts, I headed towards the door and opened it to find him still standing there while giving me a questioning look.

Fuck!? Why is everyone in here trying to dig into my shit? If he wasn't a close friend of mine, I would have asked him to fuck off as well.

"There's nothing to tell, man." I put my hand in the air while shaking my head.

"Have it your way then." he shrugged.

"I was thinking about maybe you bumped into a sweet, decent girl that you've been looking for all this time at the party." he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, fuck off with that shit. Okay? You know me. If I ever gonna have children one day, I'll definitely have to find me a decent woman to be the mother."

It's true thought. Most of the women that I've fucked before were gold-diggers and they were after me either for money or sex. Hell no! I ain't gonna let any of those sluts be the mother of my heir.

"Nah man, I'm not expecting it to be soon. We gotta live while we're young, huh?" I raised an eyebrow and he chuckled.

"Anyway, how about a game for tonight? All the boys are already in the game room." he offered.

I sighed and finally gave in, "Let's go then."

At some point, the hijabi girl is still fucking with my head. Why am I thinking about her in the first place? She's nothing to me but a random Muslim girl that I encountered, not to mention, at a freaking party.

A Muslim and a party? I almost burst into laughter at the thought. I might be an atheist but I know one thing for sure, Muslim people and party don't mix.

Why would an innocent girl like her deserves to be related to a wild party girl like Jameela? It doesn't make any sense at all. It's a good thing that I've never hooked up with her sister.

Oh well, guess I'll make sure she gets it from me for smacking me across my damn face when I see her. If she was dude, I would've kill him right in the spot for even dare to lay one finger on me.

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