𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 | The Space Between Us

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Hunter's POV



When I opened my eyes, the other side of the bed was cold. My fingers stretched out, seeking her warmth but finding only the fabric covered of the mattress.

Every night, her arms were there to comfort me. And eventually her lips. That night, around 3 a.m., I had stirred. I sat up and looked at her, at the beautiful body to which I had made love and felt a sudden warmth infused me.

For a moment, I thought she was just here with me, sleeping and when I touched her, she would wake up and pressed a kiss on my lips. But when I tried to reach for her, she was gone, she was no longer beside me every time I woke up in the morning. I clenched the bed sheets, praying that if I do it hard enough, it would bring her back to me.

I don't know how long it takes for me to realise that isn't going to happen, that she is gone. But when I do realise, all the strength go out of me and I think I cry or at least, I want to fucking cry and everything inside of me is screaming for just one more word, one more glance, one more touch, one more kiss, one more.

I feel like I just want to keep calling her name until she comes back home, back home to me, back home to how we usually were before she left me.

Now that she's gone, I've tried to keep myself busy. Most of the time, I went to the gym and boxed. I boxed during the day. I boxed during the night. Just to keep my fucking mind off of her. But I failed...

No amount of kick-boxing will change THE FACT THAT...

She's always there, inside my fucking head. She's haunting me, she's torturing me, she's destroying me into pieces day by day.

Sahara Lydia. My best torturer.

Sahara's POV

Every night in bed, I tossed and turned, trying to get my eyes shut. It's been a while since the last time I cried myself to sleep, wishing I hadn't walked out, wishing that we were together. How long will this misery last?

The days drag and drag...

Sometimes, I resolved to go shopping for new clothes in town. All my dresses and blouses were looser on me than they were before, but I pretended not to notice.

It's killing me, living my life without him.

I didn't want this to be over. I never wanted everything to be over for both of us. I just needed space. I needed a break from him to get through all of this.

Time goes by, it's worst. It's the worst feeling I've ever felt. When I looked into the mirror, all I see is an ugly ghost looking back at me. I'm a mess. My face is pale and dirty. My eyes are swollen from all the crying.

Sometimes, I would retrieve my wedding ring back and starred at it for hours until I fell asleep with it in my palm almost every night.

In my mind's eye, I visualised what Hunter could be doing when I wasn't around. Is he okay? Has he eaten yet? Does he get a good sleep at night? Is he mad at me for leaving him? Does he forget all about me? About us?

I missed him. I missed his touch on my skin. I missed his lips on mine.

When he kissed me, it was like a promise of much more to come. I lived for them and I would die with the memory of them on my lips. I dedicated my life to being with him from the moment of that first kiss, for I knew that if I lost him I would loose myself. He was the half that made me whole.

Instinctively, I traced my bottom lip with my thumb, the pain of not being able to kiss those lips again devouring me.

I heard the door to the bedroom cracked open and Amira peeked inside, "Sahara? Are you asleep?"

"No, not yet." I said, propping myself up with an elbow.

"Can I come in?" she asked.

"Of course."

I sat up and she plopped down on the bed next to me, "Can't sleep?"

"Yea." I shook my head.

"Oh, I've stayed here for quite long. When will you parents be coming back?"

Spending days at someone's house isn't really my thing, even though Amira is my best friend and her parents are like family to me but I can't possibly take advantage of them. They did pay for my mother's funeral and I don't want to burden them with my problems.

"It's okay, Sahara. They're on a business vacay, you know?"

"Besides, I like having you here." she grinned.

"Whenever they're on their business meeting or something, I would contact my cousins to accompany me and spend the nights here."

"But now that I have you, I'm very happy."

"Yea, sure." I giggled.

"Do you miss him?" she asked out of the blue and I couldn't possibly lie about it.

I turned a long, deep breath and blurted, "Yes, I do."

"It's killing me to see you like this. Why can't you just go back to him, Sahara?" she raised her tone.

"I don't know, Amira. I don't know what else to do."

"It's not his fault, Sahara. Hunter is your husband and he has the right on you. Why can't you understand that?" she peered at me, forcing me to look her in the eye.

"I know he loves you and you love him too."

"How am I supposed to face him again, Amira? You tell me." I glared at her.

"There's nothing to be ashamed or afraid of. There's a reason why you both chose to get married. You're so in love with each other."

"You can go back home and be the happiest girl in the world to be with the person you love most or you can live your life miserably without him by your side." her eyes judging me.

"Maybe in a few more days, I'll decide." I lied, trying to turn down the topic.

"I hope so, Sahara. I hope so." she rolled eyes, pretending that she believed my lies.

"You should comb your hair, you know?" her tone was flat.


"Because you look like a freaking lion. That's why." she joked and I laughed.

"Thanks a lot."

"I wonder what Hunter thinks when he saw you like this." she tapped her chin.

Once his name came out of her mouth, my smile began to fade away and I forced myself not to cry, not to look weak.

Realised what she had done, she quickly apologised, "Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. Stupid mouth!" she backslapped herself.

"It's okay. It was just a joke and I get it." I faked a smile.

"Okay." she nodded slowly and stood up, heading back towards the door.

"I'll see you in the morning." she said, blowing me a kiss.

"See you in the morning."

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