𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 | The Wedding ( Part 1 )

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Sahara's POV

This is it. The time has come. It's time for me to leave all those memories behind.

Today, my life will change forever. It will never be the same ever again.

I have to remind myself that I'm no longer a teenager. I'm about to get married. I'm about to become somebody's wife. The gang leader's wife.

During out first encounter, I didn't even know who he is or his name. We're supposed to be enemies when he disrespected me and my religion in front of his friends. Time goes by, he's gonna be the man that I'll be spending the rest of my life with.

How can everything went by so fast? I really wish I can slow things down. But no...

This is the reality and you have to face it with courage.

I'm still standing here in the hotel room, waiting for Hunter to come and pick me up. He brought me breakfast and left for the preparation.

We're gonna get married at his estate and we both agreed to make it simple and only for close friends.

Speaking of marriage, what does every woman want out of marriage? The official answer is...


Can he really be loyal to me? Can he bear the boredom of being with the same woman for the rest of his life while he can have any woman he wants in only one night? Am I really that special, just to make him stay?

All those horrifying thoughts playing through my mind and they won't just leave me alone even for a second.

There was a knocking on the door which indicated that Hunter has already arrived. He swung the door opened and walked over to me, "Are you all done?"

"Yea." I nodded, kept on folding my clothes neatly and shoved them into the suitcase.

He plopped down onto the bed next to me, waiting patiently for me to finish packing. I felt his eyes on every movement I made but I ignored it, still in shocked of what's to come.

"Look at me." he demanded and I glanced over at him with tiring eyes.

"What?" I shrugged.

"What's bothering you?"

"Nothing." I lied, shaking my head.

"Sahara..." his tone was forcing me to speak the truth.

What am I supposed to say to him? I don't think you can be loyal to me. Let's cancel the wedding. Goodbye, Hunter.

"How do I know that you wouldn't cheat on me? Besides, you already have Britney before me, right?" blurted, didn't have the guts to look him in the eye and continuing with my work.

'Really, Sahara? Why do you have to bring her name up at a time like this? Bad move!' I couldn't the jealousy roaring inside of me, if it hurts me then it hurts.

He sighed and stood up to his feet, "Sahara, please..."

"I know you don't trust me on this but believe me when I say I love you."

"I don't love any of those sluts, Sahara."

"And Britney..."

"It's fucking over between us. I don't want anything to do with her anymore. She's not the kind of girl I'm looking forward to spend the rest of my life with. They're all not worth it, not even a little bit, Sahara."

"It's over? When did that happen?" I hissed sarcastically.

"It's doesn't matter, Sahara." he tugged at his hair.

"What matters to me now is you. Only you." he seemed hurt because I didn't believe him.

'Why is it so hard for you to trust him? WAKE UP! He's gonna be your husband any hours by now, Sahara!'

He closed the gap between us, "Please don't fight me, Sahara..." his voice cracked a little on the last word.

In all honestly, he begged to win my trust. I know I've reduced him to begging. I could see it in his eyes that he was broken.

Those green eyes met mine and I felt a slight of pity crossing my heart, "I'm sorry, Hunter. I know I shouldn't have said such thing."

A smile plastered on his lips, "Don't you ever say sorry, Sahara. It's never your fault." 

My heart skipped a beat.

Gazing down to my already packed suitcase, he asked, "Are you done?"

"Yup." I nodded.

"Good. Let's go." he dragged my suitcase off the bed and walked over to the door, opening it for me.

Once we're in the car, he glanced over at me and smiled, "I'll have to ask you to check out the wedding dress that I bought you."

Wow! A wedding dress? Why is he in such a hurry?

"You've already bought me a wedding dress?"

"Of course, Sahara. Today's a special day for both of us."

When we reached the massive gate to his estate, he pushed the little button on a remote control and it opened automatically. The estate was surrounded by men in black which I assumed were his gang members.

'Oh Sahara, how did you end up here?'

He pulled into the driveway, "We're here."

He was at her door and he opened it, helping me out.

The electric thrill rushed down my spine as he led me down the gravel path. 

The garden was decorated impressively with a lot of lights, candles, white roses and there were petals all over the grass. The principal colours were likely to be white and black. The bushes also the trees were trimmed neatly and the path was clear from years of use. The air felt so calm, so peaceful. It was breathtaking and beautiful.

Hunter has already got everything sort out for our wedding.

Marrying the mafia is probably the single craziest thing I've ever done.

Hunter is still a stranger to me. 

But he'd protected me and rather than go on with the thoughts, I embrace everything. Pushing all of my negative thoughts away, I focused on Hunter and the path he was leading me down.

Everything's gonna be okay.

"Sahara!" Quinn exclaimed, approaching in the doorway all of a sudden.

She wore a greenish-blue gown made of soft, satiny fabric, long and loose and her long brown hair was tied up into a bun. Againts her pale skin, the red lipstick lightened up her smile even more. She's as beautiful as the first time we met.

She held out her arms for me and I pressed my body againts hers, "Quinn!" I smiled, couldn't believe my eyes that she was actually here.

"I didn't expect to see you here." I said, pulling away.

"It's a long story, Sahara." she sighed. "I can't believe it when Hunter told me that you've accepted his proposal."

"You're finally marrying this man. I'm so proud of you, Sahara." she tucked a stray hair behind her ear.

"Well, if this what's best for me, I'll accept it."

"I'm sure you've made the right decision, Sahara. He's a good man..." she said, glancing over at Hunter who was busy talking to his gang members.

"He's just messed up. That's all." she shrugged.

"I believe so." 

"Let's get you ready, shall we?" she grabbed my hand and pulled me along with her.

Quinn swung the door to the room opened and a long pearl-white silk dress was hanging on a mannequin in the corner of the room with a beautiful, elaborate veil on top of it.

'MasyaAllah, it's so beautiful.' tears of joy started rolling down my cheeks. 

"I wish you were here on my wedding day, mom." I whispered, rubbing the spot in my chest, remembering every moment I had with her before they all gone.

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