𝐅𝐈𝐅𝐓𝐘 𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐄 | Things Go Horribly Wrong

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Sahara's POV

I woke up to the smell of disinfectant odour, invading my nostrils. I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a few times to sharpen the blurred image before me although the bright light above me was fading my view. The room was silent except for the sound of the heartbeat monitor beeping which you often hear in the hospital that indicates that you're alive.


I shut my eyes again, trying to remember what had exactly happened.

And it all hit me like the strike of a lightning.

Oh my God! My baby? Little jellybean...

When I attempted to sit up, I felt someone's fingers gripping my arm, forcing me back down.

"Sahara, don't." a voice was warning me. A very familiar voice that belongs to the woman that I haven't seen or heard of for quite a long time.


Then I turned my head to the side and her eyes locked to mine.

A few seconds passed in awkward silence, I forced my mouth to speak and my hand spontaneously reached down to my stomach, "Quinn, the baby? Please tell me that my baby is okay. Please..."

A smile plastered across her lips and she grabbed my face, "Don't worry. Your baby is fine. You both are."

In that moment that felt like eternity, I took a long stare at her face, refusing to believe what she told me was true. I finally snapped the words out, "Are you sure? Please don't lie to me, Quinn."

There's nothing more for me to be afraid of other than people going around, pathetically lying to me and convincing me that everything's gonna be okay even though it's not.

"Yes, I'm sure. The doctor said that you have a light bleeding due to stress and pressure but it's not that bad so you didn't lose the baby." she responded. This time, reassuring me.

"I think you're crazy for jeopardising your baby's life like that, Sahara." she added, her tone was mocking me.

When I finally got grip of myself, I shoved the blanket off my body to examine my swollen belly. A few tear drops fell from my cheeks as my hand caressed the small bump, "You're okay in there."

"You didn't tell me that you're pregnant. I'm so happy for you, Sahara." Quinn squeaked out, enjoying the good news way too much.

I searched for her face and apologised, "I'm sorry, Quinn. It's been so long since the last time I spoke to each other."

"I know. There's nothing to worry about. What matters now is that you and the baby are okay."

While I was staring at her, wondering how did she get here and why, she interrupted, "Do you want me to tell Hunter that you're awake?"

Oh no! I remained silent, chewing on my bottom lip. I need to stop thinking about him. I don't want to start crying again. I'm afraid that I'll freak out when I meet him. I'm not strong enough for this.

And of course I don't want to risk my baby's life like that again.

"Please don't..." I sobbed, shaking my head.

Her expression then changed to confusion and she asked, "Why? Don't you think he deserves to know about you and his baby? He loves you. He's been worrying sick about you, Sahara."

"He refused to go anywhere until you wake up. I had to send him home so that he could get some rest." she told me desperately.

I pressed my lips into a hard line to contain my emotions, "You don't understand, Quinn. He..."

She cut me off before I could make it clear for her, "But I do, Sahara. He told me everything. The fight and the screaming before you passed out. I do understand what's going on between you guys."

"Sahara..." she grabbed my hand and I averted my eyes to her.

"Yes. I know Carly. I do know her." she claimed.

I glared at her, surprised.

"And yes. Hunter and her used to hook up a long time ago." she cleared up, deepening the knife inside my wound.

"He had a different girl every week and she was one of them but that didn't mean anything to him. It never did. He never even cares about any of them, not to mention love. He is a different man since the day he met you, Sahara. He gave up his old life to start a new one with you."

"And that woman can say anything she wants but I'm surely not going to believe a word that comes out of her mouth. She could've made it up and fabricated the whole thing. Who knows maybe she's the one trying to ruin everything for both of you. That child is not Hunter's. It's impossible. I know Hunter very well, Sahara."

"Just please. Please don't blame him for his past." she entreated, tightening her grip on my hand.

I scowled. It hurts so badly. How can she be so sure that the child is not Hunter's?

"But her eyes look just like Hunter's, Quinn." I snapped, more unwelcome tears slipping off my face.

Oh God! I couldn't hide the pain in my voice.

Yes, it hurts like a million knives stabbing all over my body to admit it but it's the truth. How could I forget how they actually looked like if that's the most notable thing that she has in common with Hunter. The colour, the shape and even the way she stares at people. It's exactly like Hunter.

"So what?" she countered grumpily.

"If she really wanted to prove to you that her child belongs to Hunter, she should've just done a paternity test and rub it in your face to settle this mess. Then why didn't she? It's obvious."

"That bitch is lying to you, Sahara." she raised her voice. A sudden flame of anger flashed on her beautiful face.

My heart started to pound and it somehow skipped a few beats. An unexpected surge of anger flared in my stomach.

I don't know which one is right and which one is wrong.

"But if it's true, the child still belongs to Hunter..." I choked.

"How am I supposed to live with that, Quinn?"

At that point, I felt like my world had completely fallen apart. This is not happening to me. After everything that happened, me losing my mom, I had to marry him for my own sake, I got knocked up with his child and now...

My child had to share his father with some other kid. Not to mention, a love child.


This is what happens what you're married to someone who has got no religion in the past and a non-Muslim. God knows what he had done with his life.


Astaghfirullah! What am I doing? Why am I saying this?

'Oh my Allah! Sahara? You're not supposed to question about your marriage to him. Allah had already planned out everything for you since the very beginning, since you were born. If he was written to be yours, then never in a million years he would be someone else's.'

'Yes. Calm down, Sahara. For the sake of your baby.'

Okay. I'm okay. We're okay.

"Sahara?" Quinn's voice boomed between my ears, pulling me from my poisonous thoughts, saving me from myself.

"Are you okay?" she squeezed my hand but I remained mute.

"I think I should call Hunter for you. You know, ask him to come here so that you can settle this thing properly." her voice was shaky.

Yes, as mad as I am with him right now, we need to settle this mess for good. I can't runaway again. When the going gets tough, I can't just escape from it. I need to face it. Sooner or later. It will come after me. I can't live my life like this. Not anymore.

"Okay." I finally agreed.

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