𝐓𝐄𝐍 | The Unexpected Hero

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How do you guys love these chapters so far? ❤️
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I'm glad you love them and stay tuned for more exciting chapters 🙈

"Dare." I heard the other guy whispered under his breath and an evil smile plastered on his lips.

The guy was wearing a fitted shirt and has black spiky hair with light brown eyes. He got tattoos all over his arms, neck and metal rings pierced on the left eyebrow also his bottom lip like the one Hunter has. I saw a metal cross hanging around his neck. He really looked like a punk kid that you usually see on those dark alleys at night.


"Sahara, I dare you to take a shot of vodka." he said, smiling while handling me the clear bottle of vodka.

My blood froze, "W-What did you just s-say?"

"You heard me, drink up." he shook the bottle in his hand, forcing me to take it.

"Would you just leave her alone? C'mon, dude!?" Quinn barked but he pretended like he didn't hear her yelling.

"No, I can't drink." I protested and glanced over at Jameela in desperation for help but she instantly turned her head the other way.

Oh my God! How could she be so cruel? How could she let her friends do that to her own flesh and blood? How can she even live with that?

Things were getting out of hand and I began to panic. I don't know from whom I could possibly seek help. Allah is the only thing I'm counting on at that time. Maybe something miracle would happen.

"Just take the damn shot!?" Britney spat and glared dangerously at me.

"NO!?" my voice took on a higher pitch.

"DO IT!?" they all said it at the same time except for Hunter.

He was staring at me with those brilliant green eyes and I looked back at him but his expression was flat, like there was nothing to say or do.

"Take the damn bottle, Sahara!?" the guy shouted at me. With that, Hunter's piercing green eyes immediately shifted to him. If looks could kill, he would've been dead within a second, he seemed pissed for no reason.

"Would you just stop it, Jake?" Quinn intervened once more.

"I'M NOT GONNA DO IT!?" I screamed from the top of my lungs and stood up from the table.

When I was about to leave the table, Jake had grabbed a hold of my wrist firmly to stop me from running away.

"LET GO OF ME!?" I yelled, trying to jerk my hand to release myself from his grip but he was too strong.

"You're hurting me! Let go!?" I jerked my wrist as I could feel the pain from having his fingers pressing hardly against my fragile skin.

"LET GO!?"

"ENOUGH!?" an angry voice suddenly boomed followed by a loud noise from Hunter's fists being slammed against the table and the situation came into silence.

All of us were staring at him, completely shocked and confused by his actions at the same time.

Right now, he was standing up from the table as well.

"LET HER FUCKING WRIST GO, YOU DICK!?" he fired back at Jake and he did what he was told.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" he shouted in his face. I could see the bulging veins in his neck and he was balling his fists on either side of his body.

I gasped, horror snaking through my whole body. I've never seen anyone so angry before. If I know this guy better, how he managed to lose him temper within seconds, I would've definitely turn back time so that I wouldn't punch him in the first place.

If he did somehow lose him temper after I launched my fists on that day, I would've probably be a dead meat lying on the ground.

"What's going on, babe?" Britney asked timidly while gliding her hand up slowly on Hunter's arm but he was quick to jerk it away which made her flinched.

"DON'T YOU TOUCH ME!?" he yelled and she quivered at the acidity in his voice.

"What the fuck, man?!" Jake glared at him when I thought he should've stayed silent at that time.

"Shut the fuck up, asshole or I'll kill you myself!?" he boomed. I swore that I saw him placing his hand on the gun in his waist but eventually turned down whatever those early intentions was.

In a second, his eyes shifted to me and I quickly looked away. Unannounced, he reached over the table before gripping my wrist hard but it wasn't hard enough to hurt me like what Jake did and pulled me with him as he lunged his long feet towards the exit.

"Hunter!" I heard Britney's voice calling back to him but he couldn't care less about it anymore.

He pulled and brought my body in front of him with his hands placed on both side of my shoulders as I felt the back of my head hit his chest.

"W-What are you doing? Where a-are you take-taking me?" my voice getting shaky and my feet felt like jelly. I was totally afraid that I would stumble on my own feet.

As we walked, he bent down to me and whispered in my ear from behind, "Just shut up and follow me." I quivered at his warm breath against my ear. It takes only a piece of him to turn me on. Oh God!

When we got to the exit, he pushed the door opened for me and led me out of the creepy place that I swore to never step foot inside it ever again.

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