Chapter 4~ THUD!

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Chapter 4~ THUD!
Tw: possible death

Both of the boys were satisfied. Zak had someone to talk to, and Darryl was beginning to figure out why Zak was so upset, and maybe he could even help him with it! A win-win situation, you could call it.

Seeing it was already 10pm, Zak decided to go to bed. He needed to fix his sleep schedule anyways. He slowly got up from the chair that was placed behind his desk, and walked into the bathroom. There, he proceeded to mindlessly brush his teeth. He didn't think anything. It was weird.

Zak finished doing what he had to do, and finally went to bed. He let himself fall into the warm comfort of his bed, pulling the sheets up to his chin. He closed his eyes, and before he could even start te review the day, he drifted off.

[Zak's POV / first person]

I woke up. I didn't think anything. It was weird. Anyways, I got out of bed, walked into the bathroom, and did what I do every day; I showered and then brushed my teeth. After spending 10 minutes refreshing myself I walked out of the bathroom, and went down to the kitchen. I wasn't very hungry, so I didn't get myself breakfast. Maybe another day. Rocco did want breakfast, though, so I gave him some dog food. He was happy. I sat down on the sofa in the living room. I still didn't think a single thought. It was still weird. I don't know how long I've been sitting on the sofa for. Suddenly, Rocco walked up to me. He wanted to go for a walk. I leashed him, put on a coat, struggling to get my paralyzed wing through the winghole, but eventually succeeding, and I went outside with him.

It was cold outside. I didn't mind it, though. I walked down the streets I would always walk down, the streets I was all too familiar with. I decided to take a right turn toward the park. That could be fun.

I entered the park. Rocco wasn't by my side anymore. Huh, I must have dropped the leash somewhere. Did Rocco take off without me? I decided not to question it. So Rocco wasn't with me anymore. I continued walking through the park. The grass was beautifully green, and the sky a gorgeous pastel blue, but a few clouds occupied the sky. Overall it seemed like a normal day, with normal weather.

Now you must know that this park is very popular among youth. They come here to hang around, climb in trees, feed the ducks or they come here to fly. One side of the park is a huge cliffside. Below is a large, gloomy forest. I always thought it was disturbing. Just imagine falling down there... Anyways, the park is always filled with some people, and today was no different. I could recognize some of the faces. Sometimes some people of my age would ask me if I wanted to do something with them. But I always said no. What if they were going to ask me to fly with them? What would I say? So, I recognized some of the faces, but two of them really stood out to me. The two boys the faces belong to were standing at the edge of the cliff. They were laughing with each other. And then something inside my head clicked.

"A6d! BadBoyHalo! Hi guys!"

The two of them immediately turned around to face me. BadBoyHalo was the first to speak up.

"Hey Skeppy! We were about to go flying, wanna come with us?"

"Yeah! We're gonna have a lot of fun!"

I didn't know what to say. Would I tell them? No. I won't.

"Uh- sorry, not today."

"Aw, come on! It'll be fun!"

I heard the French man talk to me. I didn't know what to do now, either. Then, both of my friends spread their wings, and flew off, soaring high above the dark and gloomy forest that was lurking below.

The two friends kept trying to convince me. Surely they would know something's going on, right? What if I told them? Would they get mad at me? Would they understand? What if they didn't want to be friends with me anymore? I got snapped out of my thoughts by someone landing next to me. It was Bad.

"Is it because you can't fly?" He whispered into my ear. Bad then flew back to our friend again, laughing hysterically. A6d was laughing along with him. At one point, A6d even stopped flying for a second because of how hard he was laughing. Of course, he flew right back up again. I kept hearing my friends laugh. They were laughing at me. I got lost in thoughts just thinking about how much they were laughing. They were laughing at how pathetic I am. And then suddenly, I felt two hands push me from behind. I fell over. I fell off the cliff. I saw A6d fly back over to Bad. They were laughing. I was falling. They became smaller, and smaller, and more blurry, too. But they kept laughing. Laughing like they had just heard the most amazingly funny joke. And that was true. The joke is that I can't fly. I was falling. My left wing was desperately trying to keep me from falling, but without help from my other wing, all it did was make me spin in circles. I was still falling. I didn't seem to stop falling, either. They were still laughing. And I was still falling. The fall didn't end. At least, I thought it would never end. But I was still falling. Until suddenly...



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