Chapter 8~ Overwhelming

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Chapter 8~ Overwhelming

[3rd person]

Vincent slammed his desk. It hurt his hand, obviously. He mumbled a few swear words before focussing back on the computers screen. He was frustrated. Nothing seemed to be going as planned! There weren't any hotels near Zak's location where he and Darryl could stay at, which was only one of their many problems, but possibly one of the biggest, too. And how were they supposed to, like, meet up with Zak? I mean, they can't just barge into his home and expect him to be cool with it. But they wanted to keep it a surprise, too. Dammit, why were there so many problems?!

Vincent groaned in frustration, lowering his head so it was leaning on his desk, right next to his keyboard. He raised his head a few times, and 'slammed' it back on the desk. Think, think!

Darryl wasn't of much help right now either, seeming he was asleep. Timezones were and will always be a hard thing to work with.

Vincent decided to get up from his desk, and go out for a walk. Maybe that would help clear his mind.

[Vincent's POV / 1st person]

As soon as I stepped out of my studio's door I was met with a chilly wind. It brushed through my hair, and along my large, wyvern-like wings. They were a dull grey color, outlined with a contrasting bright purple. I liked them. I loved the sensation of cold wind being thrown against the leathery membranes of my wings. They made me feel so... Alive.

I started to wonder. What about Zak? I never really asked him about his wings. How did he feel about them, apart from the paralyzed part? I could use this information for the prosthetic! Brilliant! I would know what color he would like, and what shape... I was determined to make him a perfect artificial wing!

I finished my walk. When I got back inside my studio I almost ran over to my desk. I was determined to get as much information about Zak's wings as possible! Through text, I asked him all sorts of question. For example, do you like the color of your wings? How large are they? Can you measure them, exactly? Of course, all of these question would be overwhelming for him to answer, but in the end it would only help him, it would make him better!

[Zak's POV / first person]

I was chilling on my bed, a sods and some chips next to me, peacefully watching some show on Netflix on my phone. I was content. I finally had overcome my fear to tell people about my defective wing, seeing as I had just told two people a few days ago. It didn't feel as much of a burden anymore. Telling them felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and boy I loved that feeling. It's a feeling of happiness, really. It makes me enjoy life much, much more. It makes me wake up with a smile in the morning, instead of being soaked with my own tears I had produced when my mind was playing a nightmare in front of my eyes. The nightmares had completely stopped, which I was so, very grateful about.

So, I was watching some show on my phone. It was pretty amusing, but I don't have the greatest attention span. That's why I immediately stopped watching when I heard my phone practically blow up with notifications. I unlocked my phone to see they were all surprisingly from the same person; Vincent. I opened his texts. He was asking all sorts of (ridiculous) questions about my wings. Why did he want to know all of this, and so out of the blue? I was overwhelmed by it. I read over the questions once again. Some of them were really specific, which I didn't necessarily like. A few of them even made me feel sad. Like, what my family thought about my paralyzed wing. They didn't think much of it, right? They just accepted the fact I was born with it. Still, it made me feel a little sad. So why did he want to know all of that? I questioned, once again, but shrugged it off as curiosity. I answered all of them, some more vaguely than others. I could trust Vincent with this information, right? Yes, of course! We are best friends, of course I can trust him! I mentally slapped myself and let out a giggle. Silly me. Of course I can trust him, I reassured myself.


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