not a chapter~~ update

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So I really died after Christmas huh....


I'm not dead, I guess?

I have the next chapter written out just... Not enough. It's currently like... 6 sentences long maybe?

I've come up with a great starter for the sequel, but the fact that this book, the prequel, isn't even completed yet. It just demotivates me.

I'm gonna.

I'm gonna finish the chapter. Someday. And make a new one. Fix everything. Maybe the next chapter will be the last for this book, who knows? I might change it?

About the sequel, though:

Very first chapter contains lots of angst
Will be more skephalo themed, and may contain tech6d or dream6d, whichever y'all prefer (or neither, idc)

The qna? I'll keep it up until the book is finished. New readers can ask me questions as well that way.

One more thing. I'm looking into "hiring" a co-writer for the sequel, just to help me keep it up. At this pace chapters will be released monthly, and I would really really like to change that.

So. Decent at writing? Want to help me out? Comment here with your discord name/tag! I'll contact you, ask you a few questions to see if you're fit for the spot...

Applications are officially closed

Remember, though. I am unable to pay anyone. This is completely voluntary work. Which also means, no deadlines. You need a break from writing? Take it! You're unable to write certain topics? I'll write them alone! Really, I'm a chill person, and you don't need to do anything for me.

That's about it, I guess.

I hope y'all have a good day!

-22nd of January update.

Three people have made it to the final cut! I'll be deciding who "wins" very soon.

On another note, I've regathered motivation and school's with me rn, meaning updates will be more frequently (instead of one every 3 months, haha).

As for the story, it's coming to an end soon, and there will be no more angst, haha lucky y'all. It will end with a cliffhanger, and a referral to the sequel, because I want people to read the sequel as well. Anyways, I've said this like a million times before but- the sequel will actually be skephalo themed (let's see if we can beat this books #5 record!)

This was it for the 22nd of January, have a great day!💛💛💛

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