Chapter 11~ Without a word

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Chapter 11~ Without a word

It was decided, finally. Darryl and Vincent would just man up and go to Zak's door, where they would knock on it and hopefully the door would open, and Zak would be home. Time to put that plan into action.

[Darryl's POV]

Vincent and I were walking down the streets, on our way toward Zak's house. We were both pretty nervous, but especially me. Vin has been to his house before but I have never.

The streets were wide and clean, Zak surely didn't live in a bar neighborhood. We passed someone walking a dog on our way, too. It was peaceful.

Vincent and I slowly approached Zak's house, checking the number of each of the houses in the street to make sure we wouldn't knock on a stranger's door. When we got to the right house, I hesitated. What if Zak would take this all the wrong way? Vin didn't seem to be as hesitant as me, considering he walked up to the house's door. There, he gestured for me to come, too. And so I did. I walked up to the dark blue door and raised my hand in an attempt to knock. After a few second of thinking everything through, I finally connected my fist to the closed door, knocking on it twice. I heard a muffled yell from behind the dark colored door. After a few moments the door opened, and a girl with tan skin and long, brown hair stood in the doorframe.

"Uh- hi! Is Zak home?" Vincent demanded, causing a confused look to grow on the girls face.

"Uh, yeah he is. Who are you guys anyways?" She seemed very suspicious of us. Which is quite normal, considering we're just two strangers asking for her brother to her.

This time I spoke up. "Oh, we're two of his friends!" I said, a warm smile plastered on my face. She seemed to believe it.

"Oh okay, I'll get him then." The tan girl said, a smile across her face, also. After those words, she gently closed the door, and Vin and I could hear another muffled yell. A few moments after I could hear more muffled voices, but they were less loud than the previous yells. Shortly after the door opened again, now Zak standing in the doorframe, his sister behind him. As soon as Zak saw us his eyes widened, probably in disbelief. Yes, we definitely surprised him. What happened next though, we didn't expect at all. Zak slammed the door shut without saying a word. 

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