Light and Shadow - Epilogue

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Hey guys! Before this chapter starts, I would like to ask if you could please play the song linked to this chapter when it says to. It'll make the chapter better, I promise.

»»————- ★ ————-««
"You know my love will save you."
»»————- ★ ————-««

Xayah sat on the edge of a tall building next to where her team currently took shelter. The rough battle just hours prior had left them drained and somewhat wounded, both mentally and physically, so they decided to stay somewhere close yet safe.

Xayahs wings spread out wide, glistening as the light of the moon reflects off of them. It had been a long time since she had felt the light so vividly, and she couldn't lie when she said that it was breathtaking.

It felt as if the light was bathing her, purifying her once more. It seemed as if she was given a second chance, a chance that she basked in for the moment, enjoying the freedom from her previous insufferable fate. She was no longer a Corrupted Star, she was once again a Star Guardian.

Xayah graciously took in her surroundings, feeling the all too familiar presence of talons slightly digging into her shoulders.

Saki sat perched on her right shoulder, while Riku sat on her left. Saki gently nuzzles Xayahs neck while Riku stares upwards, an almost sad look on his face. Xayah knew that he was thinking of his master, still grieving and not yet accepting that he was now just a wandering spirit. Thankfully Xayah took it upon herself to take in the bird, having known him since his spirit was linked to Rakan. If no one would reclaim the poor lost spirit, he would drift into nothingness and soon meet the same fate that his previous master had unfortunately met.

Xayah looks to where Riku is staring, which results in her looking straight at the gloomy night sky. They both stared, the scattered stars that glistened seem to mock them, making a strange feeling rise in Xayahs stomach. The mocking worked, as Xayah soon realized that the strange feeling was one of jealousy flooding through her body. She felt jealous of the night sky, how the stars seemed to shine so bright while surrounded by such inky darkness.

It was only now that she realized that was exactly how Rakan had been. Always protecting her even when the darkness took over her mind, making her not even bat an eye when he would nearly die protecting her all of those times. He put up an act of foolishness and evil to hide his true plans from Zoe. He was her light in the darkness, he had realized that. He saw what happened when he would use his stored light, he saw that it would revert her, even if it was just for a short second. It made him determined after seeing that, so he stored all of his remaining light for her, to make her shine bright once again. Not once caring about what would happened to him in the end.

A sharp pain went through Xayah at the thought of Rakan, a sharp pain that she had been feeling since Rakan had so selflessly sacrificed himself.

How could he do this to her? How could he leave her like this? With the feeling of sadness, of regret, but mostly the feeling of loss?

She had lost the one person she held dear to her heart, the one who was supposed to live happily with her forever. She had lost her only true love, her soul mate.

Xayah then realized what she was thinking, how he had sacrificed himself for her. He could have saved himself, but instead he saved her. She decided to block out the sharp pains as best as she could, only paying attention to the empty feeling in her heart. She didn't deserve to feel anything except for emptiness.

"Miella, please don't be sad. I wanted this, I wanted to see you shine bright again. It was my only wish, and now my wish is fulfilled. Do not let the darkness take over again, please shine bright, for me."

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