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Lance taps his foot as he follows closely behind Keith. He looks down.

There are two girls skipping stupidly down the hall. The tall one's hair is flipping through the hair. Lance is blinded by the girls long white flowing hair.

Lance almost instantaneously fall in love with this girl. Keith turns around looking back at lance. He goes over and uses lance's shoulder as his arm rest. He looks at lance, "ya like her don't ya?" Keith asks. 

Lance nods, "yeah, she's really cute. She seems exciting!" Lance says looking back at keith. 

"Don't worry you'll see her in band, and i think Choir." Keith says looking at him. Lance smiles. 

"Can't wait!" Lance says smiling. Keith laughs a bit and pulls his phone out and puts an earbud in his ear. Lance tilts his head. 

"Whatcha listening to?" Lance asks. 

"BO OH MY GOD! BO! BO! BO OH MY GOD! BO BO BO! OH MY GOD!" Keith sings poorly and jokingly. Lance laughs a bit more. 

"Oh my god, why Bo Burnham?" Lance says glaring. 

"Cause Bo Burnham is funny okay!" Keith says as if he get's shit for this all the time. (Saying this cause i get shit for Bo Burnham all the time) Keith crosses his arms then changing the song to Oh Bo. 

"Make the single ladies say oh Bo!" Keith says into his phone acting as if it's a microphone.  Lance rolls his eyes, he pulls keith down slightly and moans, "Oh Satin you taste so good"  Keith starts blushing. He pushes lance away. 

"God, your the worst, who says that line to someone you hardly know!" Keith says turning down his music slightly. 

"Sure, but who sings oh Bo to someone they hardly know?" 

"Cause thats just who i am, lance." Keith crosses his arms, "but hey I could be singing a worse song, or be doing what Bo does in, Beating of an A minor." (Watch it if you haven't) 

"When does school even start?" 

"8am." Keith says. 

"Oh..." lance grabs out his class schedule, "okay so first i have Band, then Choir, math, English, German, wait why German..? Then science, and last ew History," Lance looks at the German one, "why am I in German? I thought i signed up for Spanish." 

"Oh well the German class is small." 

"Wait...class?" Lance questions. 

"Yeah, there's only one German class." 


"Yeah it has, German 1, 2, and 3.  Though no one is in German 3." Keith explains. 

"Wait are you in German?" 

"No duh! German 2, it'll be nice to have a new kid in the class." Keith says with a smile. 

"German 2 huh." Lance says almost laughs, "you don't seem like you would take German."   

"Fick dich, lance, Fick dich." Keith says to lance. Lance tilts his head looking extremely confused. 

"What did you say?" 

"I'd rather not say." 

Lance glares at keith, "i hate you mate." 

"I hate chu too buddy." 

WOAH look it a really stupid part but hey there y'all go. Word count:506 

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