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" You put so much force and it went to the roof again." Soyun complain then laughed again.

" Sorry, I'll get it." He replied scratching his head as claimed and reach for it again.

" Such a show off." Soyun mumbled smiling lightly as Jungkook goes down again, he threw her the shuttlecock as she caught it.

Just when she was about to serve she hit it too hard with the racket that it went to the same roof again.

" Sorry!" She apologised as Jungkook giggled at the cute girl.

" I'll just get a new one from my bag inside. Wait here!" With that he left, he placed his racket down and head inside leaving her alone.

Soyun looked at the roof again and saw the shuttlecock right in front of her eyes. She set her foot and climbed up by herself but she couldn't see the roof above because of her height. Her hands were red because she was carrying herself she can't set her right foot down, it's too far for her to reach now.

She saw a glimpse of Jungkook running back with a smile on his face holding a new shuttlecock. His smile dissappear when he saw Soyun's condition.

" Soyun–ah what are you doing!" He shouted as he ran to catch her but both of them fell onto the ground.

" Are you okay?"

" Don't ask me that, I'm fine. You?" She said as she got off Jungkook's mascular body. She was flustered and embarrassed. She sat down beside him looking down at him before he sat upright.

" Yeah... I didn't know you were that heavy. I wasn't ready when you suddenly let go and I ended up falling." He says brushing off his hair aside. He then stand up in his feet offering a hand to her. She gladly took it while looking down at her feet. There was a bruise on her right foot. It's not severe but still it stings, blood slowly come out of it.

Jungkook noticed her looking down on her feet. " You got a bruise, let's wash that."

" Do I need to carry you?" He asked with a stern look. Soyun panicked as she shakes her head a few times.

" It's just a small bruise, Jungkook!" She replied making him laugh at her statement. Slowly Soyun walked towards the house along with Jungkook at her side. They went to the bathroom and cleaned her bruise, then proceed to the living room.

" Done already?" A handsome man with a pink cooking apron asked. Obviously it's the one and only pink soakjin.

" I'm not done cooking yet." He added waving his spatula while it rest on his right hand.

" It's alright, we'll just watch TV." She answered, earning a nod from the older one.

Soyun searched some good channels, a movie titled LOL caught her attention and decided to watch it. She glanced at Jungkook for permission as the bunny nod his head.

It was a movie about Miley Cyrus and Douglas Booth and their little love story. There was a part when Douglas was at a concert rocking his guitar while singing, and sweaty too. Soyun had her eyes on him watching closely. She released a fan girl scream, forgetting about the jelly bunny next to her.

" Ehem..." Jungkook fake cough getting her attention. Soyun turned around with a question mark on her head. He gazed back I the TV with a pout playing on his lips.

' Jelly?' Soyun thought as she watched the concert with a smirk. She was clearly enjoying the movie and the jealous Jungkook on her side.

" I won't let you go now you know I've been crazy for you all this time. I kept it close always hoping with a heart in fireee." Soyun sang along, this makes Jungkook had an idea.  

" Jungkook! Soyun! Lunch is ready!" Jin shouted at the kitchen. Jungkook stood up about to go first when Soyun called him.

" Can you get some food for me?" She looked at Jungkook them back at the tv, he nods his head and head to the kitchen.

When he came back he placed both plates on the table and sat beside her again. They both dig in the food while watching.

Jungkook wasn't really focusing on the movie, he was thinking about something that might be able to blow her mind someday, a plan to be exact.

~~~{ To be continued} ~~~

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