Chapter two.

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Chapter Two: Oh ugly my ugly.

Teacher's Pet; Melanie Martinez

I take a seat in the middle an even distance from the popular kids in the back and the cosplay nerds in the front.

I'm not a cosplay nerd I'm a proud DC and Marvel nerd ha ha.
Infact I've earned the tital of wait for it...


I'm dorkalisious!

I sit alone because my biology teacher Mr Finn believes I work better in my own.
I don't judge the guy after all the last time I had a partner we ended up fighting-mostly her yelling- because I wouldn't start a conversation with her.

For me a conversation is a simple.

Hey, how are you.

It's a rhetorical question obviously and you're supposed to reply by saying.

I'm good and you.

Not by telling me about your struggle to get your ex boyfriend to be jealous of you and your new boyfriend.

Honestly it's like people don't get that some of us only walk into this hell hole to get a decent job in the future, not to make friends with every person who tells you about thier life problems.

I'm still trying to figure out why peanut butter flavoured oreos don't exist.

Everyone filed in whilst staring at thier phones.

Honestly technology has corrupted these kids.

Then again my phone is in my hand so...


Don't judge me.

I like Amino alot.

Mr Finn walked in shooting me a genuine smile then setting his bag down on the table.

"Good morning class, today we'll be determining blood types." He walked around the class room handing out the things we needed.
"Miss Summers please tie up your hair." I do as I'm told and tie up my curly hair and take off my Alice band.

Honestly I feel like the reason my hair is clean might be because dirt is afraid it will get lost in the amazon that is my hair.

"Good morning Numbskulls."

I looked up at Harrison, he turned to mr Finn then smirked as his eyes scan the room.


Am I still obligated to punch him?

"Mr Finn, Ugly girl." Everyone searched the room and someone cleared thier throat.

"Uh, Harry, who is ugly girl?" An annoyingly pitchy voice squeaked out,

"Mr Ryder please take a seat or I'll have to write you up for disrupting a lesson." Mr Finn said but the look Harri gave him clearly said he didn't care if the wrote him up.

Harrison smirked then walked around the room as if inspecting the people in the classroom, until he stopped at my desk.
"This is ugly girl." He ruffled my hair.

On second thought I'll punch him.

I just tied that bro.

Do you know how hard it was?

"Isn't she just hideous? I mean look at those dull eyes and pink lips, oh and that hair, jesus does she even own a hairbrush?"

No i own an afro comb!


Everyone laughed and I hung my head, biting my lip.

"Well mr Ryder please take a seat oh and I expect to see you after class for your...disruptive behaviour and bullying." He smiled at mr Finn and sat down next to me.

I shifted further away from him, the lesson was short and I ignored him.

Harrison on the other hand continued to talk about my looks whilst we sat down.

I walked out of the room heading to maths, well that concludes the most embarrassing 45 minutes of my life.

"Hey ugly girl?" I continued walking and heard foot steps behind me, wasn't he supposed to be lectured by mr Finn for the incident earlier?
"Ugly girl stop." I walked even faster, passing the classroom i was meant to go to,
"Hey Ugly."

I held my head high ready to cross through block C around the fountain and back to block B where my classroom was.

A hand gripped mine,
"What do you want?" I ask facing Harrison,
"You forget this." He held out my Alice band and i bit my lip,
"Thanks." I took the band and planted it in my hair, i got out of his grip walking past him to my class.

My maths teacher Mrs Aldren was a vicious crow ,but an amazing teacher either way.

"Liberty?" Mis Aldren called,
"Yes mam?"
"The Olympiad is next Thursday, coach  said it doesn't clash with Track." I nod,
"Thank you mam." I sat down alone and listened to the lesson, occasionally writing notes, when a paper was thrown at my head and i look at the white ball at my feet, i roll my eyes and pick it up,

Hey Ugly girl,
I was wondering why your so quiet, ms Aldren doesn't give a shit if we make noise.
-the Handsome guy.

I scoff at his salutation, then get up and dispose of the paper, when i returned to my seat Harrison sat in the one next to mine,
"Hallo Ugly." I smile tightly and sit doing my work,
"Come on ugly just talk to me." I huff and write on,
"Oh, ugly my ugly speak to me." Can't this guy take a hint? Girls don't talk to guys who insult them,
"Speak to me beautiful." I froze and my cheeks went red,
"Look who went red." He smiled and i turn to him.

"What do you want?"
"To talk to you." I roll my eyes,
"Talk , but don't expect me to reply." I say in a hushed tone.

Mrs Aldren left the room and a ruckus broke out,
"Hey Ugly girl, why don't you just keep your grubby little hands off Harry?" I turn to Emma who was walking our way, she sat on Harrison's lap, he looked appalled by the action.

"Don't call her ugly girl, only i can." Harrison said slowly prying Emma off him,
"But she's ugly." Harrison bit his lip.

Oh please give me the name of your dealer because  that's some fine ass weed your smoking.

"Yeah she is, but she's ugly on the outside but is one of the most gorgeous women on the inside, while as your beautiful on the outside and are nothing but a venomous snake on the inside, so Emma i call her ugly girl and keep it in mind thatI've met her today and i still don't know her name, but i tell you, this girl is pure."

I gape at him even taking off my glasses and wiping them,yes people this guy just complimented and dissed me in one go.

"Don't look surprised, you must've noticed by now that i like you, i mean come on Ugly, we'll be great friends." I arch an eyebrow at him, Emma was long forgotten by now.

"We'll never be friends Harrison and it's time you realise that and leave me the fuck alone."

The bell rang at that precise moment and i pack up my stuff,
"Oh and by the way, I'm not Ugly girl, my name is Liberty."

I left the room and went through my day, Harrison was in all my classes and he sat next to me, but he didn't try to annoy me, which i was greatful for seeing as i would have jumped him if he'd dared to speak to me, although that didn't stop him from indirectly speaking to me.

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