Chapter Fourteen.

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Chapter Fourteen: I'm a Libra.

Wanna be missed: Hayley Kiyoko

Warning this chapter will surprise you so please the following themes are involved:

If you believe in Star signs please tell me what's urs.
I'm a Cancer myself so... I'm overly Emotional.

Harrison's POV

"So do you like it here?" I ask and she nods still tipsy she took a sip of the water bottle.

"What's the time?" She asked pushing back her hair,
"Who cares?" She giggled rolling her eyes,
"I do."

Her eyes fixed on the stars, the stars on this side of town were always more visable.

"What's your star sign?" I raise an eyebrow at her,
"Just tell me!"

She urged and i shrug laying back auntie Petra has the best garden in the universe, the grass is always green and at night the pond was a deep midnight blue that makes it look like a portal to another dimension.

"I'm a Libra."

I say and she smiled laying next to me,
"I'm a Cancer." I smile,

"Ahh so your a june baby? Those are just the sexiest." She smacked my arm,

"No Numbskull, I'm a July baby, July 11th." I nod facing her,
"So your smoking hot?" She chuckled managing to look more childlike than she already does,
"I thought i was ugly." She faced me,
"It's just a nickname and now that your looking all sexy i think you've earned the name Red."

She smiled her eyes focusing on mine, those gold flakes appearing, they say that the eyes are the window to the soul, but Liby's eyes only show pain, her soul can't be pained, she's too pure.

"Do you believe in the stars?" She asked and i nod,

"Yeah like in Zodiac signs."

"Well did you know that a Libra and Cancer are matches because apparently us cancers need balance and you libra provide that."

"So you have an understanding to this universe thing?"

"No not really, you see I know that 13.8 billion years ago the bigger bang created the Earth, stars and galaxies, but did you know that compared to the lifespan of the universe our lives begin and end in a single day, imagine that, our lives last a day, so this means that I'm wasting my day reading and being quiet instead of falling in love and having sex with someone who doesn't get scared when he orgasms and well having fun!" I nod,
"So your trying to say that your life isn't enjoyable?" I ask facing her, she bit her lip resting her head on my shoulder,
"It has been for the past three weeks with you."
"But you aren't ready."

I breathe feeling an emotion radiate off me, of course I don't know what it is, this feeling has been overpowering my judgement.

I'm not supposed to feel anything with Liby , but her aura forces me to do stupid things, like take her to my reserve spaces and buy her a bakery even if it was for a day or bring her to meet Petra, no one knows that I'm Hispanic but she does, she forces me to be myself and that drives me nuts.

Further more she refuses to bow down and just fall at my feet, with me she manages to find a voice, i know that she's one of my closest friends, she has me dancing past the point of no return.

My whole life I've been trying ti understand the human heart, why and how people fall in love and today I've figured it out, just by watching Liby dance and eat and worry about things I finally understand that there's a difference betweena Kiss and a kiss.

"What are you thinking about?" Liby sat up looking down at me,
"How I'm losing my self control."

She smirked and god its sexy as fuck i mean if she keeps doing that I'm going to faint.

"Ironic because my self control is starting to trickle back in."
"Liby, you know i would never hurt you right?" She nods, oh shit she thinks i wouldn't!
I'm in too deep.
"Yeah?" I look up at her,
"Do you trust me?"
I didn't have to think, if Liby woke up and said we should punch a wall or drink toilet water I'd do it, i trust her that much,
"Yes Liberty Kemonielwe Summers i trust you." She leaned in closing her eyes,
"What are you doing?" I ask and she whispers,
"Don't speak." She leaned in and i felt the fire works as her lips met mine she caressed mine softly and her taste of alcohol and for some odd reason chocolate filled my system, she shifted ontop of me, her legs on either side of my hips, my arms circled her waist.

I kissed back and it hit me like a shock wave her scent and taste, my hands traced down to her waist and rested here pulling her closer completely enveloping myself in her scent, she pulled away,
"That was..." she breathes and i smile at her,
"Where is this going?" I ask and she captures my lips once before pulling away,
"As far as i know this could take all night." She smiled and i gripped her hips ,our lips attacking one another. I push her down onto the floor moving down her neck and the sounds that escaped her chest were all effective where they were needed.

She started unbuttoning my shirt and we broke apart so I'd throw it off,
"Wait." She said her eyes clouded wuth lust,
"You don't want to?" I ask even i could hear the neediness in my voice,
"I want to just not here." My hands were already moving up her dress to her panties.

"Your room now."

She took my hand, dominant little coista ain't she.

"Why not here?" She gaped at me,
"Do you want to have sex or not?"
"We're having sex?" I ask my eyes widening and she face palmed herself,
"What part of this could take all night didn't you get?" I bit my lip ok in this situation with someone as complex as Liberty pushing it would be a bad idea, but she's Liberty and i like messing with her,
"Okay we'll go inside if you take off your panties right now." She gaped,
"Dude there are people next door and inthe house, I'm pretty sure they'll notice a teenager take off her knickers."

She was right damn you Los Alamos creepy adults and children okay basically everyone.

Whilst i ranted on about los Alamos and they're crime rate a soft fabric was thrown in my face, i can't believe it.

I took a deep breathe and smelt
"Chocolate." She shrugged,

"I eat lots of it."

"So sex?" She bit her lip nodding,

"Okay so if it must happen here let's get a blanket at least."

My eyes popped out of my head,
"Who are you and what have you done to Liby?"
"I've made her realise that life is short as fuck." I don't even know how fast i was to rip the duvet off my bed and rush back with Liby staring at the sky biting her lip hard.

She's nervous.

"Are you sure about this?" I ask as we settle on the duvet,
"Yeah I'm fine, this always happens when I'm about to do the devil's tango, it's just strange that you want to well tango with me." I lift her chin,
"I want to because you are my ugly girl mine." I pull her closer and our lips met, after that every action was perfection, every kiss and touch, every move it was different i felt everything it wasn't slow she was right it did take all night.

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