Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen:"take off your clothes."

Alphabet boy: Melanie Martinez.


"He's an asshole." Laura sneered as she shoved popcorn in her mouth,

"How are you even related to him?" Austin asks Amber,
"Honestly i don't know, it looked like he'd finally fixed himself." She sighed.

"Some friend, if he dares to set foot in my house I'm punching his lights out." Chase growled handing me a poptart.

"He's lucky you stopped us." Kelly scowled and i huff.

"If i see him i will punch him, i swear it!" I growl and fall back into my comfy sheets,his scent lingered in the sheets, oh damn that fool!

"He makes me angrier than Cristiano Ronaldo!" Austin scowls and i get up my hair falling into my face.

"I hope he has life insurance be_" the doorbell cut me off and i went down to answer with my fleet of friends behind me, i open the door and there stood a greek god, dark hair green eyes.

"Lib_" my fist cut him off colliding with his nose and before i knew it i was attacking him, with everything i have, Chase pried me off and as soon as Harrison got back up he swang a right hook,

Chase was vicious and as he faught Harri who seemed not to care or fight back burning holes into my eyes and i could see his were lifeless, i mean come on bro it's only been a day, if I'm angry then he must be in the third stage, bargaining.

"Chase get off him." I say letting out a breathe.

Chase got up leaving Harri with a busted lip and a bruise on his jaw, honestly he must be tough to handle that.

"Can you guys leave so i can hear his excuse?" They huffed,
"We'll get take out." I nod as they get into thier cars and leave.

I helped him up and we went inside, honestly i don't feel like yelling at him, especially when he's hurt.

I got the first aid kit sitting cross legged infront of him of the living room carpet, he was soaking wet and i huffed at that,
"Take off your clothes,your freezing." He nodded not bothering with a sex joke in between, he took off his clothing remaining in his boxers and i went down to put them in the drier.

When i came back he was cleaning up his knuckles with some alcohol, i watched as his muscles flexed and tattoos moved, only now did i notice that his ears are pierced.

"Can you not try to hurt yourself?" I ask across from him,  taking his hand, glaring at him and taking care of the wounds.

He sighed,
"Liby, I... I'm an idiot I know you hate grand gestures so I figured talking to you would be my best bet,  I know I hurt you but Liby, your the first girl I've actually had to work for,  or actually paid attention to, when you walk into a room it's like in the Amazing world of gumball,  everyone disappears and we stand in space together. " that nearly made me crumble,but he hurt me i know it's a tad over dramatic but i can't be anything more than friends with him at this point.
"I can forgive you, but honestly Harri, i can't forget." He nodded understanding,
"I get it,but can we make a little side bet?"

I look at him nodding,the storm outside brewed and thunder echoed the sky unexpectedly making me jump forward.

"How about i make you forgive me." I couldn't help but laugh a good old laugh,
"Make me forgive you?" He nodded,
"Yeah a day tomorrow is Valentines day, I'll sweep you off your feet and if you forgive me we'll go to the dance together." I rose an eyebrow at him,biting my lip,
"The likelihood of that working is slim to non." He sighed before taking my hand,
"Your worth it,I'm ready to risk it all for one day eith you, even if it's the last one,after all you are my ugly girl." I couldn't help but blush,before the door bell rang and i got up to get it,
"Is he still here?" Kelly asked stepping in with Austin behind him,
"Where is everyone?"
"Amber and Laura are playing UNO at Laura's and Chase is sorting out something with his girlfriend." I nod letting them in and taking the box of pizza from them,
"You two were about to do the deed?" I looked at Austin the dumbo that assumed that,
"No, what the hell of course not." He pouted,
"Sorry Lib, i just thought because he's half naked in your floor_" Kelly cut him off,
"Really? like come on we sit half naked all the time." Harri stood his muscles flexing and all of a sudden the room is like a sauna.
"Hay ugly could you at least try not to drool?" I look at him he stood in the danger zone right infront of me, i punched him hard,
"I'm not ugly." He shrugged tugging on his shirt.

Where did the shirt come from?
And he's wearing jeans? Jeez Liberty your mind is slipping.

This close proximity to greek gods is affecting your functioning purposes.

Oh lorde I'm turning into Iam Frankie.

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