Chapter nine

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Chapter Nine:"You smell like fruit."
Soap: Melanie Martinez
I slump down onto the carpeted floor of our living room, in my Track outfit.

Coach had worked us hard saying that we were getting sliggish all except for me who had to run around the field continueosly until the man was satisfied.

That was about twelve laps before he said that he wasn't torturing me enough and sent me to train with the football team instead.

The boys on the team laughed thier asses off upon my arrival but were quick to shut up after we'd done suicides and my energy refused to subside.

Coach Dickleburgh the Football coach kept his eyes on me and made me right wing which i was happy with seeing as i was at my peak there.

We played a friendly and my team won 4-0 with three goals from me and one from Harrison who huffed after making the goal.

I took a deep breath as mum walks over her braids fall forward,
"Uh huh."
"But it wasn't that bad?" I look up at her,
"Ma it was diski." Her eyebrows shot up,
"Yoh." She walked away and came back with a glass of ice water,
"Funa manzi." I smile at her and gulp down the icy liquid.
"Siyabonga ma." She smiled lightly and left me once more,
"Where's Chase?"
"Out." I nod and make my way up the stairs,
"Kemonielwe?" I look back,
"Ja ma?"
"We're going for dinner." I nod and continue up the stairs and strip down to my underwear and stare at myself in the mirror on my dresser,
"Well this is a nice way to be greeten." I jump at Harrison's words and slip on the floor then fall flat,
"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask,
"Chase told me i could make myself feel at home, your room makes me feel at home so..."

i roll my eyes moving over to my closet taking out a white shirt and black shorts,the heat was unbarable global warming was killing at this point.

I lay back on my bed Harrison next to me, his scent lingered in the air and basically intoxicated me.

"Get off my bed."
"I've been here for thirty minutes on your bed and now your kicking me off." I nod,
"Move your ugly smell is all over my covers."

My subconscious laughed.

"Well you smell like fruit so I'd be fixing the smell for you."

"I don't smell like fruit."

"You do."

"I'm ignoring you."

"No you can't."

I couldn't survive a day without talking to him.

"Hey Liby do you have a date to V-ball?" I shake my head,

wait the letters!

"Wanna come with me?" He asked and that knocked the air out of my lungs, making me forget about the letter.

"What?" He spoke in a deeper tone,
"Do you want to go to V-ball...with me?" I nodded slowly,
"Yeah." He let out a breath his hand nearing mine.

"As friends."

I breath out too.

"If you say so."

I stare at my blue ceiling and slowly face him.

"Why don't you ever leave me alone?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well you never leave me be." He shrugged,
"I guess i like your company." I bite my lip,
"But you've been an all rounder for a while."
"What do you mean..again." i smile lightly,
"I mean that since grade nine you've been moving from group to group, from nerds to gamers to sports men to bad boys to popular boys and that usually lasts like a few daya before you switch." He huffed,
"I'm an all rounded person that way, but you, your strange in a good way i never know what to expect with you like when we met in sixth grade."
"Yeah in sixth grade you called me an egotistic, big headed son of a badger." I press my lips into a thin line,
"Well, you were and still are."

I say recalling a shorter scronnier Harrison ticking twelve year old me off.

"Wanna come to my house?" I sigh,
"Yeah but mum is having a dinner thing so i can't." He nodded,
"Yeah sure but wanna play Tekken for now." He sat up raising an eyebrow,
"My dear I'm the king of Tekken." I wag a finger at him,
"No my guy I'm the queen."

We both sat cross legged in front of my Xbox console i picked Alison because of the sick chainsaw hands she  gets when your xp is full.

He chose the kangaroo and i wacked him.

"You know no one can beat him choose someone else dip shit." He smirked and chose another character.

We played long and hard until we switched to a movie and both fell asleep.

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