Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen:
Mirrors by Niall Horan


"Sir I can give you the ball." Harri groaned failing for the hundredth time,
"I can do it,  I'm sure I can." I shook my head sitting on the bench tired of his childish behavior,
"Hey idiot just take the ball." He looked back sighing,
"But I want to do it myself." I huffed running a hand through my hair,
"How about I try?" He threw another ball before looking back at me,
"No." I scoffed,
"Well your not getting anywhere, this is stupid and weird and your being obsessed."

He looked back at me before handing me a ball and walking away with his jaw clenched and his hands balled into fists.

I wanted to hit him on the head with the ball but decided against it and instead followed him,
"Harri?" He walked faster, I automatically gripped his arm jerking him towards me, 
"Let go of me Liberty." I did so having never heard my name roll off his tongue, he walked towards the food section and sat at a table,  our group joined him chirping away in conversation,  I sat down next to him.

They all conversed as we ate but Harri was quiet,  barely touching his food still looking angry I wanted to talk to him but I couldn't he was angry and I didn't even know why, after lunch we spilt up with Harri and I still sitting at the table, the silence killed us both I could feel it the aura of awkwardness spread  as we sat there,  he looked up at me through his eyelashes,
"I wanted to win that." He sighed and I nodded,
"I know." He bit his lip,
"I just... You won't forgive me, I want this to be perfect because I know that once I get you I won't want anyone else."
"I would forgive you if I was normal,  but I'm not." He scoffed,
"Liberty this is how our relationship works, I'm an all rounder and your complex it's a heady and deadly mix that works. "
"We don't work." He shook his head,
"Well then tell my heart to stop doing flips at the thought of you, tell my brain to erase every moment we shared then tell me to stop loving you." My breath hitched, at his words, yeah it was cliche and romance novel level cheesy but the look in his eyes just told me one thing,  it was real.

I looked at him and dispite the chaos and noise that surrounded us I wanted to hug him, a spark of pain flashed past his eyes, the same pain I'd seen in mine when I stared into a mirror after I heard about the stupid bet.

Maybe I hated drama and am making a mistake but i'm willing to risk getting hurt for one chance at being happy with someone who would buy me a bakery and ask for my permission before ever doing something,  someone who was an idiot and thought I was ugly but still managed to insult and defense me at the same time.

"Wanna go on the ferris wheel?" He nodded taking my hand, we walked to the wheel silently,
"They say that if you ever get stuck on a ferris wheel with someone your destined to be together." I said as we stood in line.

My thoughts raced as I sat down with him next to me, the wheel started rocking up word and I looked at him taking in his every feature, from his deep forest eyed to his pink lips his eyes hesitantly met mine, our eyes locking,
"Your eyes are like syrup." I furrowed my eyebrows,
"Syrup?" He nodded,
"Yeah, they're golden." He inched closer his hand moving up my arm,
"Hey Harri?"
"Be my boyfriend?" His eyes grew big, before a grin spread across his face,
"I asked you first." I nodded,
"Yeah, I'll be your girlfriend, I forgive you and I'm ready."
There was a battle in his eyes,  as his eyes flickered to my lips and I'll be honest I didn't have to think, I pulled him in our lips locking as the ferris wheel stopped with us at the top.

"Your my ugly girl." He smiled,
"Your my idiot." His lips met mine once more.

Now you can probably guess what happened after that and no I wasn't perfection or a fairy tail Cinderella level fairy tail ending it wasn't a The Fault In Our Stars ending either,  we simply went the was way.

We made our one day count, even with the fights and all the food stealing we made it work.

And I guess that my friends is what ugly girls get.

We get happiness with some guy whether he's a man whore or a nerd.

Honestly we are all ugly girls. No one is ever truly perfect and Harri made me realise that,  I realized that ugly girls can be cheerleaders,  book worms and even the girls at the top of the food chain.

But hey this was just another novel even if it was written by an ugly girl.


I've officially ended my first book.

Thank you for all your support and I hope every girl out there knows their special.

Till next time.

Xoxo kiddie xcx

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