Chapter 5

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Wei and Yezun are having breakfast together like every morning.

"Did you get accepted in the new gallery you talked to me about?" Wei asks to make conversation. His brother hasn't told him anything about his life and he wants to know more.

"No." This is Yezun's only answer, but it's enough for Wei to understand his frustration. His brother is an artist and won't accept any interference with his work, and would get angry at any attempt to do so.

One thing you can do that will annoy him for sure is to say, "You should paint this or that." He would refuse such a statement with indignation. Some would call him a 'true artist', others a 'fool', but he would dismiss any label saying 'It's just who I am.'

Wei knows this and doesn't blame him for it. They are twins, there's always been a special bond between them. Their personalities may be different, but they've always supported each other in full.

Unfortunately, that means that Yezun hasn't sold anything yet, and Wei supports him financially doing many jobs, anything he can find.

He is currently working at a flower shop, selling them, taking orders and delivering them.

He has worked as a photographer, taking pictures for a local magazine, and still does from time to time; he has a good eye for pictures and he never asks too much so every now and then it happens that he's called to do a shooting.

He also teaches private lessons to neighbouring kids when they need it.

He never complains, but Yezun knows of the sacrifices he makes for him and secretly hopes one day to repay him of everything he's ever done for him.

"If they can't understand you, it's their loss," Wei says, totally believing his words, and Yezun smiles. "Yeah."

Wei stands up, takes his wallet from his back pocket and pulls a few banknotes out before putting the wallet back in his pocket.

"I have to go to the shop now, I'm leaving some money if you need it."

Yezun nods. He feels a bit guilty, but he has no money of his own so he will take it nonetheless.


Yunlan and Hong start seeing each other every day. Her parents are glad that she's going out more often, and his father doesn't yell at him when he spends time with her instead of the friends he disapproves of.

Usually, that alone would have been a good reason to avoid her, since pissing his father off has become Yunlan's way of life, the only way he deals with him, but he doesn't really enjoy their fights.

It started as a way to rebel and create a "Yunlan" that was his own creation but in the end it brought him only more troubles.

He doesn't want to admit it out loud, even thinking about it is distressing, but he knows in his heart that he's actually quite similar to his father.

He never really liked going out with his 'friends', he doesn't really like loud places, sports, or even drinking too much, but he always pretended that he did.

Now he's tired of pretending, and with Hong he doesn't have to.

Despite their differences and the situation between them, they get along quite well. They don't do anything special, they walk and talk, sometimes they stop at a bar or a shop and they chat about people they know or about their surroundings.

Sometimes they stop at a shop window commenting the goods on display, then go inside to try something on or have a better look, but they rarely buy anything.

Sometimes she makes playful remarks on the men passing by as if she was talking to a girl friend, while at the same time trying to get him to do the same with the girls.

She teases him saying, "Would you marry her?"  For a few times he played along, but most of the time she can't get much out of him.

He hasn't told her about ‘Yezun’. He hasn't told anyone. Not because he's ashamed but because he's confused and, frankly, he's also a bit sad.

Sad because he has never seen him again after that night.

Confused at thinking how quick he had been to accept it all.

Sad because he doesn't know if Yezun ever thinks about him, he was so wasted that night, what if he doesn't even remember him?

Confused because he doesn't know what it means for him now, is he into girls or boys? It's like he doesn't know himself anymore and it's an unpleasant feeling. He could accept either way, but he needs clarity.

And it's not just a matter of being into girls or boys, it's so much more, because he feels like he's into nobody now. He looks at boys and girls with the same indifference, not long ago he wanted to have fun and now he feels like it can never happen with anyone else.

Maybe it's because that night things ended so abruptly, he didn't get the chance to know how it would have been having sex with him. 

Maybe that's it, Yezun initiated something in him but didn't finish it, and that's why he can't move on.

He should really see him again, he decides, have sex with him and get him out of his system once and for all!

He should really see him again, he decides, have sex with him and get him out of his system once and for all!

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