Chapter 9

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Yunlan thinks about Wei for the rest of the day, this time it felt just right, it was the same sweet voice, the same innocent aura, there is no doubt in his mind that Shen Wei is the man he can't stop thinking about.

That sparkle in his eyes, that smile so kind and so adorable, Yunlan never bought a single flower in his life before, and now he can't wait to enter that shop again.

He feels tired and excited at the same time. Excited of course because he has found him, for real this time, but also a bit tired because he feels like he has to start all over again.

He's back to the he-doesn't-know-me stage and now the next move is up to him.

What should he do? Trying to make him remember like he tried before with Yezun? He doesn't believe it will work.

Return the favour and jump him? No, after meeting him again, he's not so sure anymore about the 'sleep with him and get him out of my system' theory.

After having him and only him in his mind for so long, now he wants to know more, he wants to get to know him at least a little and see how it feels, will the obsession go away by itself, will the excitement die if he finds him boring?

And there's something else. The more he thinks about it, the more he realises that kissing him wouldn't be enough now, no, 'I want him to want me, like he wanted me that night'.

So the next day he goes back to the flower shop. Wei is surprised to see him again so soon but smiles gently and assists him in choosing another bouquet.

This time Yunlan is prepared and fully conscious, so instead of agreeing to everything Wei says he takes his time, choosing every flower one by one, asking for Wei's advice.

Not that he cares about making a beautiful bouquet, it's obviously just an excuse to spend more time in Wei's company, but it's Wei's job after all so he doesn't seem to find anything strange in this behaviour.

Wei shows him every flower exposed in the shop, he doesn't seem in any hurry, he's so quiet and kind, he seems to like his job a lot.

When another customer walks in, Wei excuses himself and calls for a girl who was working in the back to come and help, then he goes back to Yunlan.

"Where were we?" he asks.

'on your bed' Yunlan thinks, but says: "You were talking about these flowers."

Wei smiles. "Daisies are often overlooked because too simple, but I love them, they symbolise innocence and are really beautiful."

Yunlan agrees, and listens to him talk about flower after flower, until they have chosen enough for a bouquet.

He watches Wei put it together, admiring the movements of his delicate hands.

"Do you want to write a note? She wasn't home when I delivered the roses yesterday, but with a note they will reach her for sure."

"Thanks but I'll deliver them myself this time," Yunlan says, and it's time to leave. Although reluctant, he pays, takes the bouquet and goes home.

Once he arrives, he puts them in the first vase he's able to find and forgets all about it.

He actually had a good time. He's not even sure if he's glad or not. If he ever thought that he would be bored and stop thinking about him, he was definitely wrong.

He finds that he's now thinking about him even more than he was before.

The next day, he's back at the shop for another bouquet. And the day after that as well...

It's such a strange feeling, talking to Shen Wei like that. Yunlan can't really say that they ever knew each other of course, but they shared an intimate moment and he's the only one who remembers it.

It's strange, but he doesn't hate it anymore as he did at first. He enjoys their time together more and more, sometimes they chat a little or make a joke, and all in all Yunlan always has a great time.

Shen Wei doesn't remember 'their night', so to him the only awkward feeling is due to the fact that he's attracted to a man engaged to a woman.

Now at home with his brother, he eats in silence then suddenly asks, "Is Yunlan really engaged?"

Yezun looks up surprised and says, "Well they didn't seem really convinced at first, but then he said that they are."

Wei hesitates then asks, "What do you think about Yunlan?"

Yezun narrows his eyes. "Why?"

"He's been coming to the shop, he seems... nice."


Wei blushes, and Yezun sighs, he knows what that means. Of all the men in the world, he had to like that idiot... but then he thinks of it from another point of view, if my brother takes away Yunlan, Hong will be single...

He thinks about it for a moment... after all, Yezun warned Yunlan already and if that idiot dares to hurt Wei, he can sure find a way to make him pay...
But Yunlan can't be too bad after all, and he sure looked very interested in his brother...

So he says, "He's great actually, you should go after him."

Wei blushes again. "You said yourself that he's engaged already."

"I also told you that they didn't seem really convinced about that, and I also told you what I think about this decision. The fact that he keeps coming to the shop tells me it's not Hong he wants to be with."

Wei frowns. "Hong... his fiancée."

"She'd be happier with me," Yezun says startling his brother. "I've met her a couple of times these days, and now I know why she was alone," and he chuckles.

The more Yunlan orbits around Wei, the more free Hong will be, and he'd really, really like to paint her...

"You like her," Wei says, but it's not a question, so Yezun says nothing.

"You like her," Wei says, but it's not a question, so Yezun says nothing

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