Chapter 7

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Yunlan has finally met him again! At first, when he sees him right there in front of him his heart starts pounding in his chest, he just has to talk to him! But like he feared Yezun doesn’t remember him.

He had expected that, still it hurts knowing that he’s thought about him every day while the other doesn’t even remember that he exists!

He wants to know more, of course, he can’t let it go just like that. He still has the faint hope that he might remember him so he starts talking about the club, he asks where he lives, with his eyes firmly on his face, but nothing, not even the slightest hint that he might remember anything.

Another thing that bothers him is that Yezun seems so different now.

Of course, he's not drunk, he tells himself, but it seems more than that. His eyes are as beautiful as he remembers them, the same colour and shape imprinted in his mind, but there's something different about them that he can't explain...

Yunlan is also really upset at the indifference in Yezun's eyes when looking at him as if he doesn't even exist. He seems more interested in Hong than him, is he doing it on purpose? Is he faking it, pretending to like girls?

He needs to make some clarity because the guy has become a sort of obsession and he can’t think straight.

Meeting where they met the first time might be a good way to refresh his memory, or at least to recreate the same events and see how it goes.


Wei comes home tired, and sighs in pleasure and relief when he smells something good coming from the kitchen. He won't have to cook tonight!

Having Yezun with him is great, he misses him a lot when he's away.

He walks in and his brother greets him with a smile. Wei sits down and immediately a cup of steaming tea appears in front of him. He gives him a grateful smile as if he just saved his life and Yezun is tempted to say: “It’s just tea you know,” but instead he smiles and asks him about his day.

Wei talks about all the deliveries he had to do, then he wants to hear about him.

"I met a strange guy today, he said he knows me but I can’t remember him at all."

"Maybe he confused you for me? I meet a lot of people at the shop," Wei says. Being twins, they get often mistaken and this is Wei's city after all.

"He called me by my name, so I don’t think so. Do you know anyone called Yunlan?"

Wei thinks about it but the name doesn't ring any bell so he says, "No."

"By the way he looked at me I should probably introduce you to him though," Yezun adds and gives him a teasing smile.

Wei rolls his eyes. "No thanks, I don't think I'm ready yet."

"Stop thinking about that idiot jerk, ok?" Yezun tells him, then adds before he can say anything. "Anyone who lets you go must be either an idiot or a jerk, and I get the feeling that he was both."

Wei says nothing. His relationship with Chang didn't last long, and although he never admitted it out loud he always knew that it couldn't last, but it was still a blow when the guy left him for someone else.

Still, he's not the reason behind his words. Wei is not really heartbroken, he never thinks about him anymore, he is actually enjoying this free life having his brother with him, and doesn't want Yezun to try find him a boyfriend and then leave.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything, he's already engaged to a beautiful girl," Yezun says with a half voice.

"To a girl? But you said... I thought..."

"Yeah, I know, he certainly looked at me that way, but you know that people do a lot of stupid things like living the wrong life."

"That's sad, I feel sorry for him," Wei says, and he does. He knows that not everyone has been lucky enough to have been accepted like he was. He smiles thinking back at the day he confessed his preferences to Yezun. He was so nervous, but his brother only looked at him and then grinned. "You won't be stealing any girl from me then."

Wei had heard stories of people being bullied or rejected, and had been so scared of losing his brother that he asked him, "You really accept me?"

He can still remember Yezun's expression as if it happened only yesterday. He looked puzzled and said, "Accept? What do you mean? What's there to accept? I have no intention of watching you have sex, why should it matter to me who you do it with? You're my twin brother and we have the same face, but you're weird you know."

Wei smiles at how happy he had been that day, when Yezun winked at him and said, "I won't have to compete with you, then!".

His opinion of his brother is almost as high as Yezun's, who now is looking pensive and adds as if talking to himself,
"I feel sorry for her, what a waste."

Wei doesn't answer, he drinks his tea and starts eating his dinner. He's so exhausted all he wants to do is to eat and go to sleep.

Yezun eats with him, thinking of her pretty face and that he'd like to paint her...


"You sure you don't want to join me?" Yezun asks to his brother. He has to go to the club with Yunlan and Hong, and would really like for his brother to go with him, he doesn't like the idea of his brother at home all alone.

He tells him that he needs to go out more, which is true, but what he doesn't tell him is that he would also like to drop Yunlan on him and get to know better the pretty brunette.

Wei has already said no, he's not really a club person, but Yezun insists until Wei reluctantly agrees and says, “Ok, you win, but I'll join you later though. I’m not ready now and you have to go, it's rude to make people wait."

Yezun smiles, says "See you later then, princess," and runs out.

Wei yells after him "STOP CALLING ME THAT" but Yezun is already gone.

Wei yells after him "STOP CALLING ME THAT" but Yezun is already gone

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