Chapter 2

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"Let me kiss you..."

Yunlan hesitates a moment. His brain reminds him that he doesn't even know the guy, he's had one-night-stands before but come on, he doesn't even know his name!

And yet...

Yunlan's not really bothered by the fact that he has just been kissed by another guy, after all there's nobody else there so he only has to deal with himself and he has to admit that he kinda liked it, and would rather try it again, to experience it again without the shock of the first time.

So he nods and opens his mouth, which seems to turn the other on because his mouth is captured immediately.

Yunlan feels his mouth being invaded by the other's tongue, he can smell and taste the dry aroma of alcohol, but he doesn't flinch, he closes his eyes and responds to the kiss.

He hears the familiar voices of his friends and stiffens, but he's completely shadowed by the other's body so they don't see him, and he relaxes again when he hears their voices fade in the distance, along with the giggling of the girls with them.

Yunlan closes his eyes again and move his arms to circle the guy's waist. This time not with the intent of helping him walk, but wanting to feel the other's body under his hands.

He feels him moving so close, pressing their bodies together so that Yunlan can clearly feel his hard-on, and to his surprise he feels his own body respond in the same way.

A heated kiss, the feeling of their bodies pressed together, and he's already so hard that he wants, he needs more.

"Let’s go in..."

Yunlan's brain screams again. "You don't know him! You know nothing about him! Are you really going into his house? That's how serial-killers movies always start!"

But Yunlan doesn’t listen, he shuts his brain up and nods his head.

Is this so different from any other one-night-stand he's had before? Would knowing the name of the guy change things so much?

Yunlan is sure that he has nothing to fear, everything about the other man tells him that he's a good person, just a bit too drunk maybe...

Yunlan watches him reaching inside his pocket for the keys. Once he manages to take them out he accidentally drops them and stumbles trying to pick them up.

Yunlan reaches for him but the man grabs the keys, straightens up and stubbornly tries again and again to open the door.

Yunlan laughs, he tried to help a stranger and was basically jumped and kissed out of nowhere, and yet the man is so drunk that now he feels like he's the one taking advantage of the other.

Still laughing, he tries to take the keys but the other man is so stubborn, he wants to open that door at all costs, so Yunlan sighs and instead covers the other's hand with his own to steady his movements, and this time the door opens.

They immediately shut it behind them, and Yunlan is yet again being kissed like he's never been kissed before, and at the same time he's being pulled towards the bedroom.

He knows what's going to happen of course, he's not a fool and he's not drunk, he only had a beer, but he's not one to deny himself anything, and this new experience has been quite pleasurable so far and he wants more of it.

He's had sex with girls before, it won't be too different right? The basic concept should be the same, he just has to aim at a different place, and that's it... following his thoughts, his hands move to grab the man's ass, making him moan. Yunlan likes the sound, and their clothes start falling.

They lay on the bed touching each other, grinding against each other, and he finds out that he likes feeling just how much the other man wants him.

Yunlan's neck is now being sucked before that beautiful mouth moves lower to lick his chest, it feels so good, the other is now straddling him and touching his legs, than he stops and takes out something from the nightstand, and the next thing he knows Yunlan feels his finger enter him where nothing has ever entered before.

He tries to register what is going on, but being kissed again clouds his thoughts. More fingers join the first, he's never experienced anything like this, he keeps his eyes shut, lets the man hug him tight, he wants to feel more, much more...


What the...

Nothing is happening, the other man's body weighs on him in a clumsy embrace, but he isn't moving.

Yunlan opens his eyes and looks at the seemingly lifeless body above him, a chilling worry fills him until he hears a soft snore.

"You kidding me???"

The guy was so drunk that he has fallen asleep, right then and there; Yunlan can see that he's still hard, unable to stop himself he reaches out to touch him and the man moans in his sleep.

Yunlan moves his hand, enjoying the sounds so much, and he thinks how disappointing that he fell asleep so early, a few more moments and he would have felt it inside of him and...

Wait, what?

Yunlan pushes him aside and jumps up, only now fully realising what was about to happen. But that wasn't how things were supposed to go...

"I am a man you know," he says to the sleeping figure who ignores him completely.

Yunlan stares at him, now that they are in a room with lights on he can clearly see his face.

'He's really beautiful' he thinks, then he notices that he's shivering and panting in his sleep. He's still hard, so Yunlan sits on the bed again, looks at that beautiful face and starts stroking him. Slowly at first then faster, until he feels his release on his hand.

Yunlan looks at his hand, then at that angelic face now sleeping so peacefully.

He stands up and goes in search of the bathroom to wash his hand and refresh himself a little until he calms down, then he wanders around for a bit waiting for his heart to stop thundering in his chest.

It's a small but nice apartment. The kitchen is very neat and clean. 'Do you know how to cook?' he asks the air, then he opens the fridge to get a cold beer but there's only milk and lots of fruit and vegetables. He keeps searching but he can't find a single drop of alcohol anywhere, so he gives up and looks at the living-room.

He's not really interested in apartments and furniture, but then his eyes stop wandering when he sees a wallet. It's on the table, and Yunlan takes it and opens it. Maybe he shouldn't, but curiosity is eating at him. There's not much money inside but that's not what Yunlan is looking for.

He finds an ID card and reads the name.

Yunlan walks back into the bedroom. He covers the sleeping angel with the blankets, he's naked and Yunlan doesn’t want him to get cold, then he stops at the door to look at him a bit longer.

He murmurs, "Goodnight Mr Shen Yezun," before he finally goes out and closes the door behind himself.

He murmurs, "Goodnight Mr Shen Yezun," before he finally goes out and closes the door behind himself

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