October 4th

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So since this is being posted late, here is a quick reminder of what happend last.

So Virgil woke Remy up with his powers but then fell alseep himself, Roman woke him up then they talked about where Deceit could be. Remy told them how they were both in the bathroom taking pics at the party, so they all traveled to where the party was but they werent expecting what they just saw.

Virgil  POV

They lead us to where the party was and to the bathroom but when we entered we saw... we saw Deceit tied up and a guy and not just any guy it was my, my Dad. WHY IS HE HERE?! WHY DID HE TIE DECEIT UP?! I have so many questions but im still angry at  him.

Dad: well hello, you must be friends with him and my sons.
Roman: your sons?
Dad: oh so they haven't mentioned it.
Virgil: * through teeth* leave it be.
Dad: oh, come on virge.
Dad: fine but how is your brother?
Remy: im fine, now leave us alone.
Dad: but dont you love me Remy?
Remy: I would if you didnt kick my brother out for being Gay because you want to know something, im Gay too and im proud of it. Are you going to disown me too?
Dad: no, i would never disown you.
Remy: ok well if you dont want to diown me for that bvb then why did you diown Virgil?
Dad: that is none of your business.
Virgil: Rem, its because i was gay and it doesnt matter because mom still loves me and would take me back in a heartbeat.
Dad: no she wouldnt, she has changed since then and doesnt remember you.
Virgil: prove it.
Dad: how?
Virgil: bring her here and we will see.
Dad: ok. *snaps fingers and mkther appeared*
Virgil: hi mom.
Mom: V..virgil?
Virgil: yes its me.
Mom: VIRGIL! I've missed you so much.
Virgil: ive missed you too.
Mom: you are such a grown boy.
Virgil: u..umm
Mom: sorry.
Virgil: its fine.
Mom: Do you have a boyfriend yet?
Virgil: really mom!?😳😳😳
Mom: yes and now since i have thought about it, are one of those fellows your man?
Virgil: N...no
Mom: ok, which one?
Virgil:NO MOM!
Mom: ok, fine.... it will pick one.
Virgil: mom?
Mom: yes?
Virgil: i dont have a boyfruebd because im not reast for one but i so have my eye on one.
Mom: oh...which one, whats his name?
Virgil: i will tell you later.
Mom: what do you mean?
Virgil: i want to go and have dinner with you and Rem.
Mom: Rem?
Virgil: Remy.
Mom: oh
Remy: hi mom, sorry to interrupt your chat but dad is still holding Deceit hostage

Veronica's POV

I was getting furious with my husband Ron, he was holding a kid hostage that Remy care a lot about. I let my demon voice out and saw Virgil smile and the prince dude had this expression like he just solved the hardest question ever. Honestly that didnt matter at the moment because this kid is in danger. I got into stance to let my inner demon out and i saw virgil get ready too. On the count of three we both let our inner demons out plus our wings which represent our angel side. Ron let him free a few minutes after we both transformed and the kid ran to Remy and his other friend in neon green. Im going to need Vurgil to explain who each one of them are.

Veronica: Virgil would you please introduce me to your friends?
Virgil: sure mom.
Veronica: whos the one who looks like a nerd?
Virgil: thats logan.
Veronica: whos the perky sunshine and rainbows one?
Virgil: thats Patton.
Veronica: whos the traffic light?
Virgil: that would be Remus.
Veronica: whos the snake?
Virgil: thats Deceit.
Veronica: whos the prince?
Virgil: thats Roman aka princey and he is the one i like.
Veronica: ah, ok.
Virgil: and the last one would be Emile but hes not here right now.
Veronica: well niw since i know them why dont wr go eat and you can invite your friends and crush.
Virgil: really mom?!
Veronica: yes now go and invite them and tell your brother.

After inviting them and on the way there.

Roman: you never told me about your family or any of your powers.
Virgil: sorry, i dont normally have to use them so i kind of forget about them a lot, plus it scares some people.
Roman: ah. Well you would never scare me away thats for sure.
Virgil: you sure about that princey?
Roman: yes and whats with the smirk?
Virgil: oh nothing~

IM SO SORRY!!! I know im really late but i just wasnt in the mood because my boyfriend left up north just got back today and that makes me happy. This whole weekend all i did is a lot of crying and being a big blob and i didnt want to do anything but hes back and im happy now and i will be catching up even if there short-ish. Oh and i will be uploading another part to my other book once I have gotten this one caught up and i have other chapters ready ahead of there uploading day. Well i hope you have a awesome day and again im very sorry for the late upload. Peace!

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