October 6th - 13th

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The next few days went like this,

They woke up and went down to eat except for Virgil who wouldnt let anykne in his room or answer the texts or come down to eat. Sometimes he would teleport himself down grab some food and teleport back but the others never saw it. Everyone was sad and worried for him and tried to get him to come out but each day they failed to get him out. No one knew why he was hiding from everyone, just yesterday he was happy and they had fun and he saw his mom, so what could be making him so sad? Roman and the others were at Virgil's mother house talking to her and trying to find a way they could get him out of hiw room. His mother mentioned how he loves the rain and it makes him calm and how he told her yesterday that Roman makes him calm and happy but he didnt want him to know. Roman got an idea right then, what if he were to go try to talk to Virgil since he was the last person that hasnt tried to talk to him so he left her house and went back home and up to Virgils door. He took a deep breathe then knocked on his door.

Knock knock knock

Roman: hey Virge its me Roman... can i come in?
Roman: please Virge, i know your in there.
Virgil: leave me be.
Roman: please dont push me away Virge.
Virgil: ....
Roman: i want to help you but i cant if you push me away.
Virgil: not right now princey.
Roman: why not?
Virgil: just not right now.
Romam: oh, come virge pleaseee?
Virgil: i.. im s-
Romans its fine😥.... i..i guess ill g..go for now.
Virgil: No, Roman wait! I-

Roman walks away leaving Virgil feeling even worse.

Virgil's POV

Grand! I just hurt my closest friend, my.... crush.😪 what do i do!? I want him to know that I'm sorry but how do i tell him when he probably doesnt want to see me ever again. I was hiding from them because i thought i was protecting them but i guess i was just hurting them.

Roman's POV

I went to my room to think about what just happened. I knew Virgil didnt mean, thats not the Virgil i know. I just wish he would tell me whats going on instead of hiding. I also wish that i could tell him that i love him and i wont ever let him go, but sadly i just have to keep hinting it and hoping one day he will understand. I layed down on my bed letting my thoughts run wild. After a while i had one thought that showed up and wouldnt leave. Soon later i actually started focusing on that thought and realized that it was an excellent idea. The idea was to call him and if tgis goes correctly, he'll answer the video chat and i would get a quick look at his face ti see if he has been crying. I grabbed my phone and asked him if i could call, he said yes so i called and it did worked and he had eyeshadow going doen his cheeck and his eyes have tears in them. He noticed that it was a video call but it didnt seem like he cared.

Virgil: i know im a mess.
Roman: i thought you wpuld turn your camera off.
Virgil: No, you wanted to talk to me so i decided to let you plus you wouldnt leave me alone until i turned the camera on last time.
Roman: true.
Virgil:Why do u want to talk to me anyways?
Roman: because i love talking you and we have great conversations.
Virgil: o..oh, ok
Roman: anyways, why have you been hiding from us?
Virgil: i was trying to protect you guys.
Roman: how?
Virgil: as you can tell my father was a very nice guy and well me seeing after all these years, triggered something unsafe and very powerful and well i didnt want to lose control and accidently hurt you guys which is why i became distant but dont worry i still ate.
Roman: you did? How come i never saw you come down?
Virgil: because i would telepirt myself to the kitchen then back to my room and i only ate when i knew no one would be in the kitchen.
Roman: oh.
Virgil: yeah..
Roman: are you hping to come out soon or can I come in?
Virgil: i guess you can come in BUT just for today.
Roman: ok and I'll be there soon.
Virgil: ka-

Knock knock

Virgil: are you seriously already at my door?!
Roman: Yep! Now please let me in.
Virgil: ok give me a minute.

Virgil unlocked the door and opened it then went back to his bed and his cat came up and curled up next to him.

Roman: you never told me you had a cat!
Virgil: no one knew until now.
Roman: whats its name.
Virgils: her name is shadow and she has a brother named Raven.
Roman: where's her brother?
Virgil: he probably is in my closet on the highest shelf but he'll come if i call him.
Roman: please call him.
Virgil: Raven!!!

Raven trots over with his pitch black fur bouncing.

Roman: you sure hes Raven?
Virgil: well no but Remy was looking at him when he said Raven.
Roman: REMY!!!!
Remy: yes.
Roman: what is the girl cat name
Remy: Raven.
Virgil: oh....
Remy: sorry bro, i didnt mean to confuse you.
Virgil: its fine Rem.

Ok so that was hard but i did it and just to clear it up, when Roman starts talking to Virgil the first time, thats the 12th and for the 13th they just srated in Virgils room watching a Dinsey marathon. So i am now caught up. It took some thinking and i hope this is good because it took a lot of work to come up with it and figure out how to make it happen. Oh and quick question, please leave your answer in the comments but would you guys like to see my sides, i have named them all or... would you like me to make a chapter where the sides run into my sides and theres a lot of confusion? I've been wanting to have you guys meet them but tgey just didnt really want to but the ugh are fine now. Anyways i hope this didnt confuse you to much and it was good. Love you guys and the support, Peace😊

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