28 - The Results

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over 20,000 reads I can't believe it !!!

Thank you guys so much 💕

Please remember I'm a language student and not a doctor 😂

Unedited xo

Lennox POV

I woke up the next morning determined. I was going to make a change.
It was time for me to stop depending on men, men hurt me before and they sure as hell could do it again, so why was I so hung up on the affection of a man... especially after all these years.

Yes, I was surrounded by men, amazing men, who frequented this club and I loved them all dearly. They've helped me through my darkest times, through my drug detox and through my anxiety.
But it's time for me to help myself.

No more cry baby.
Rolling over in bed, I struggled to remember how I got here after my apparent break down.
Oh well.

Looking on the nightstand I saw it... Chaos's phone. My brother was right, he is an idiot, I thought with a small smile. At least I know he isn't ignoring me.
But I had to learn to live without the control, or in Chaos's case guidance, of a man.
I wanted to learn how to be like Emily and a Mackenzie, I wanted to be strong.
Next to the phone I saw his small reading glasses, and the books Jamie had left for me to make a start on placed in a thick brown envelope. I'd asked him to be discreet after all.

For once I felt in control, I got to decide what to do and when to do it, I controlled my thoughts and feelings.

Yes, I may not be the best at handling things but I'm learning.
I'm learning to be a person again.

I threw off my covers and made my way out of my dark blue room, turning down the hall.
I only had one destination in mind.

Standing in front of the door, I took in a deep breath. This was it, the day I'd make a change. I was so ready for it.
I knocked against the wood and waited for an answer.
Blue locks appeared from behind the door, followed by a tired looking Mack.
"Lennox what the hell, it's-" she turned back to look at the clock on her end table "8am"

"I need to ask a favour" she looked at me confused, willing me to continue.
"I need you to help me become a woman. I don't want to be a little girl with a sick mind anymore.
I want to be strong and independent, like you and Emily. I don't want to depend on men anymore.
I don't want them to control me."

She looked stunned for a moment, looking down on me from her slightly taller vantage point. Soon she let out a huge grin.
"Makeovers!!" she squealed, and I cringed slightly before letting out a giggle.
Pulling me into her room, I took a moment to appreciate her decor. Tapestries hung from the walls and the ceilings, filled with beautiful colourful designs, even a remodel of the club tapestry.
She had big silky sheets and plenty of blankets, float curtains and layers rugs scattered all over the floor.
I definitely needed tips from this girl.

She sat me down at her vanity table, in front of a big illuminated mirror.
She got to work, curing my long blonde locks into soft waves and pinning them back in a way that made me look like an old Hollywood actress.
Next she moved onto my face, "now obviously you don't need any of this, you're the most naturally beautiful person I know.. but when I want to feel good about myself I like putting on a bit of slap" she said with a big grin before she started to add liquids and powders to my face.

I looked like I was glowing, instantly gaining a naturally tanned complexion as she blended in the products.
"And now the finishing touch" my lips were painted a darker shade of burgundy red, making the blue in my eyes stand out.
I felt good.

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