30 - The Return

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Lennox POV

Days had passed and my mind hadn't caught up yet, I didn't k ow what to think or what to do or what to say.
I was sick.

For the last couple days my mind had been a constant spiral of emotions, i just felt sad... all the time.
Was it because my family was away?
Was it because I missed them?

Was it because I craved his touch?
Who knows.

Things were good for a little while, mostly when I was surrounded by people. Voices to distract my never ending negative thoughts.

Emily has been great, she made sure I was okay and that I was eating the right foods at the right times. I had been placed on a nutritional program and I had to track everything I ate, Emily even bought a journal to note everything down in. I still struggled with writing and reading so she took charge of that for now.

It had almost been two weeks since the boys left and it's safe to say I missed them all, the clubhouse had been so quite without them. No parties, no jockeys, no church.
Just me, the girls and the few remaining horsemen.

Chaos said they wouldn't be more than two weeks, and I was hanging onto that sentiment.
I hope they are back soon.

I walked into the bar, soon finding Mack and Jackson sat at our table talking enthusiastically.
"Oh my gosh I haven't been out in forever!" Mackenzie exclaimed as I took my seat next to her.
"We need a night out Mack! These two weeks have been so boring, a man needs some entertainment" I looked at Jackson confused, were we not good enough for him? I thought with a grin.

"And Lennox hasn't met Charlotte yet! Oh god this is perfect!" Mack squealed once again as excited as a kid on Christmas.

"What is going on?" They both looked at me, presumably only just realising my presence at the end of the table.

"Steel Baby!!!" They said in union sharing a grin.


The deep bass of blasting music could be heard from outside of the bar as Saturday night fully got underway.
Mackenzie has helped me get dressed.

My hair curled to perfection, makeup applied delicately creating dark shadows around my blue eyes, and my body was wrapped in a knee length black form fitting dress, equipped with a generous split which reached my hip bone.

I felt confident, I looked good. For the cost time in weeks I wasn't thinking about my protruding bones and hollowed our cheeks, I felt amazing, I only wished Chaos were here to see it too.

My arm was linked around Mack's as we both sashayed into the bar, closely followed by Emily, Jackson, Billie and Tyler and a couple of the newer prospects.
The music was almost deafening, making my heart beat wildly in my chest.

As soon as we pushed aside the black metal door all eyes focused on us. All wearing versions of a leather cut we easily gained the attention of everyone inside.

The boys were definitely famous in this town.

Mack steered me over to a bar stool and we both sat down, calling over one of the bar tenders immediately.
"Is the boss in?" Mack asked vaguely, eyes darting around the crowded room.
"Upstairs, said not to disturb her" the young man replied with a grunt, moving onto the next paying customer.

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