Chapter 3

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*Autumn's POV*
"Last day doing this" I said to myself as i jumped out of bed. I was so excited today was finally the last day of school till the summer. I walked into the bathroom showered, did my hair, makeup and changed. (Outfit:

As I walked down the stairs I started to smell Pancakes, eggs, and sausages, with homemade coffee. "Mom?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"Nope, she left for work a while ago so I decided to make us some breakfast," Cameron said as he brought our plates of food to the island in the middle of the kitchen. "Sit and eat I'll go drop you off at school too." he smiled.

"Ummm......why are you being extra nice today?"

"Because I can be," he said and then stuck his tongue out.

"Works for me," were the last words I said before I devowered my food.

"Slow down, you're going to choke."

"Sorry, your just a really good cook."

"I know. So are you excited for Magcon?"


"AHAHA me too well we better get going after school I'll pick you up and then were going to the mall, you ok with that?" he asked as if he didn't know the answer.

"Of course I'm good with that."

With that we both got up and walked outside into Cameron's car. As soon as we got in his car I turned my Bluetooth on and started to play Life of the Party by my best friend Shawn Mendes. I miss him the most out of all the boys that are going on the Magcon tour. I see the boys quite often. Mahogany on the other hand I see her every day since we go to the same school, but this is our last day of actual school after Magcon were switching to online school. As we drove I sang along to the song the entire way.

"We don't have to be ordinary
Make your best mistakes
'Cause we don't have the time to be sorry
So baby be the life of the party
I'm telling you, take your shot it might be scary
Hearts are gonna break
'Cause we don't have the time to be sorry
So baby be the life of the party"

As soon as the chorus was over Cameron pulled up to the front of the school. I love when Cameron brings me to school, but the one thing I hate is that everytime he does, girls just mob our car and it pisses me off.

"Thanks for the ride," I say to Cameron as I'm reaching over to give him a hug.

"Anytime." he said as I started getting out of the car, "Oh! Don't forget were going shopping after."

"Trust me I won't" I closed the door and waved then watched as he drove away then I finally started walking into the school.

As soon as I walked into school I saw my best friend Mahogany at her locker. I ran up to her and screamed her name.


She turned around right away. "AUTUMN!!!" she yelled back and opened her arms wide open for me to jump into them, which I gladly did.

"Oh my gosh, girlll we leave for Magcon in only 2 days!!" Mahogany said to me.

"I Know!! Have you finished packing yet?" I asked her

"Not even close, I haven't even started packing!" she replied.

"Okay good, I thought I was the only one who hasn't packed. You should come to the mall after school with us."

"Us?" she asked kind of confused.

"Oh yeah Cameron is picking me up"

"Oh...that makes more sense, and of course girl I need some new clothes for the tour, especially some more knee high socks..."

"You and your knee high socks" I said laughing

"Hey I can't help it. Well I better get to class; meet up after school by the fountain outside?"

"Yep see ya." with that we both went our separate ways.


As soon as the bell rang EVERYONE ran out. All day people would go up to me and say that they would miss me since I wasn't coming back even people that I didn't know. Some people even went up to me just to give me hate especially saying that I don't deserve to go on the tour and that if I ever date any of the boys that they would kill me. I didn't give a fuck though I just ignored them. It wasn't hard for me to deal with hate. I get it so constantly that at some point I didn't care at all what people thought of me.  

As I was almost at the door I heard someone yell my name to the side and it was no other than Mahogany. Just as I was about to walk towards her I felt someone push and then trip me. I feel straight to the floor. I got up and checked who it was it was no other than the bitch Allison Stacy. She just stood there laughing her ass off with her little group as more people kept showing up and laughing as well. I heard more and more laughter than I hear Mahogany running towards me.

"Autumn!!! Are you okay?!?!?!" she asked panicking.

"Yeah I'm fine." just as I said that I hear someone yell my name I wasn't sure who it was though.

"AUTUMN!!!! WHAT THE HELL ALLISON!!" of course it was Cameron.

"I didn't mean too." Allison said giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Cam its f-"

"No it's not; this bitch could have actually hurt you!!"

I smirked, "Your right Cam this bitch could of messed me up but she didn't so can we please go?" I asked him softly.

I could tell he was hesitant about it but finally agreed.

"Bye Bitch!" Mahogany said as we walked away.

"I wanna punch her in the face so hard she goes in a coma." Cameron said.

"I do too," Mahogany joined along.

"Let's just put this in the past and go shopping." I said to try to calm them down.

"Shall we go?" Cameron asked

"DUH!!!" both me and Mahogany said at the same time.

We blasted music and sang at the top of our lungs all the way to the Grove. We got out of the car and right away Cameron spoke up.

"I want a smoothie" he said in a little kid voice

"Jamba Juice it is" I said and we all walked into the food court.

We all ordered our smoothies and as soon as we got them, me & Mahogany wanted to get new luggage for the tour since we didn't have anything big enough to fit clothes for 2 months. Either way we knew we were gonna buy a lot of new stuff for the tour so.

We shopped for about 5 hours. When we were done we were all extremely exhausted and hungry. We decided to go to Panera. Once we got there we ordered our food then waited at our table. When our food finally came we ate like we hadn't eaten in weeks.

"Who knew shopping could make you so tired and hungry?" Cameron finally spoke up.
We continued eating. We all finished at the same time.

We decided it would be easier for Mahogany to sleep over so that was exactly what we did. We got home and Cameron went to his room and Mahogany and I went to mine. We decided to watch Keeping up with the Kardashians since we were both very obsessed with that show. Mahogany went into my closet to change since it was big and she even had her own section in my closet with some of her clothes even a few pairs of shoes. It was like if she lived in my house which I wouldn't mind at all.

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