Chapter 7

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*Autumn's POV*
After the show was over we were all hungry.
"I need food" groaned Matt from the couch he was sitting on.
"There's a pizza place a few blocks from here." Taylor said looking down at his phone. We all agreed to walk there since it wasn't that far.
We decided to go to the hotel first & shower since most of us were sweaty & stinky. We decided to meet down at the lobby in half an hour.
I showered first while Mahogany watched TV. I decided to wear a hoodie with a pair of sweatpants with a pair of vans. I brushed my hair & left it down then applied a coat of mascara, winged eyeliner & chapstick. (Ootd: ) I was ready after 15 minites then it was Mahogany's turn. I decided to edit a video I had pre-filmed with Brent. We filmed the whats in my mouth challenge. I grabbed my macbook out of its case & went to the desk we had in our room. I sat down & was able to edit only half of it before Mahogany came out.
"Let's bounce" she said coming out of the bathroom in leggings, ugg boots, & a hoodie.
I grabbed my phone & some extra cash & we were off.
We took the elevator & when we got down everyone was already there.
" FINALLY!!!!!" Matt yelled as the elevator doors opened. As soon as we reached them we were off. We walked together in a big group but there was many conversations going on. I realised Shawn was on his phone so I moved to where he was.
I poked his cheek. "Having fun there" i said as he looked up.
"I was till you showed up." He said poking my cheek back.
I put a hand over my chest & gasped. "I am hurt Mendes" he shook his head & laughed then put his phone in his pocket. We started talking.
"How have you been?" He asked me with his hands in his pockets.
"Busy, what about you?"
"Busy too, but really happy and excited. I released my first single, my ep comes out in a few months, it's just crazy. Im scared i'm gonna do something wrong, dissappint people & i don't want that." I looked up at him & reached for his arm & squeezed it reasuring him.
"Hey your song is amazing & i'm not sure it's possible for you to dissapoint anyone, you are amazing & you will do amazing in life, so stop stressing" he looked at me & just smiled. I smiled back at him & we continued talking. Before we knew it we had arrives at the resturant. We all walked in & saw a few people who had Magcon merch. Once we got in people came up to us asking for pictures, hugs, autographes, & everything. Of course we said yes then a worker got us a table in the back of the resturant at a big booth. We sat down then Cameron, Nash, Hayes, & I went to order at the front. We waited in line a few minutes then we order 5 Large peperonni, 5 Large Cheese pizza's. We payed got our cups & went back. We gave everyone their cups & we got up in small groups so we wouldn't loose our table. I went first with Mahogany, Cameron, Carter, & Matt. Then everyone else went. After we all got our drinks we waited for the food. We talked and made random jokes.
"Order 257, order 257" we heard through the intercom. All the guys went to get them since we ordered so many. While they were gone I saw the blonde girl from earlier walking towards us.
"Great" I said pissed. Mahogany who was sitting across from me raised her eyebrows then tirned around. She saw the girl & rolled her eyes.
"Funny seeing you here" she said in a snotty voice.
"What a small world it is" I replied.
"What you did at the show, i don't appriciate that" she said crossing her arms.
"I didn't ask if you appriciated it or not" i said smirking. Just then the boys came back.
"Um who's this?" Hayes asked putting a pizza down.
"The girl from the show." I told Hayes looking at him. As soon as I said that Cam got obvrprotective.
"You need to leave" Cam said as calmly as he could. The girl just gasped turned & walked away flipping her hair.
"Thanks Cam" I said smiling then everyone sat down.
*45 mins later*
"I'm sooooo full" I said finishing my 4 slice of pizza. Everyone agreed.
We decided to leave since it was already late. We left & we walked back in silence which I didn't really mind since I was so full. We got to the hotel & once we got to our floor we all said goodnight. I gave Cam a goodnight hug since I normally always do. Then I went to room. Mahogany had already opened the door. She was getting her onzie out of her bag. I just took my sweats off & put some shorts on. We got into bed & Mahogany watched TV while I finished editing. We went to sleep until midnight & I was beyond exhausted.
"Goodnight A" Mahogany said from her bed as she turned off the side lamp.
"Goodnight" as soon as the lights were off I feel asleep.
*7 am*
I reach my hand out and grab my phone. I turn off the alarm then drop my phone next to me. I decided to vlog today since I didn't yesterday. I got out of bed & walked over to my backpack & took my vlogging camera out. I walked over to the full size mirror on the door & start filming.
"Hey guys" i say trying to sound as normal as I can. "I just woke up so I'm sorry for the way I look but anyways today's the second day of Magcon & I didn't film any of it yesterday since it was the first day & I just wanted to enjoy it with everyone." I ranted on about how much fun it was then realized Mahogany wasn't awake yet. "Okay i need to wake Mahogany up so i'll bring you guys along." I walked over to her bed & started shaking her. "Wake up M" she woke up after a few shakes.
"Are you vlogging?" She asked rubbing her eyes I said yes.
"Okay well I need to get ready so I'll talk to you guys later. Bye!" I turned off the camera & put it with my phone so I would remember to vlog.
I did a more nutural makeup & made some braids on the side of my head & grabbed it all in a ponytail. Then I decided to wear something more casual. (Ootd:  Mahogany was getting ready at the same time as me so we would leave by 8 because we had to be at the venue at 12 for sound check but we wanted to get breakfast first at a cafe a few blocks down that Mahogany had found last night. After we finished getting ready, i started vlogging again.
"Hey guys so this is my outfit of the day." I filmed my outfit & said where everything was from.
"So me & Mahogany are gonna get breakfast before soundcheck. I feel like we haven't gotten breakfast just the two of us in a long time." I said into the camera but looking towards Mahogany.
"We haven't. The last tiem we did was like 2 weeks ago." She said putting her stuff into her purse. I stopped recording to pack my bag. Once I was done, I texted Diego that we needed to borrow his car again.
"Diego said his car's at the back so we have to go pick up his keys from his room." I told Mahogany. "Grab the room key" I told her as she was about to close the room door. She ran back in & got the key. We walked down all the way down the hall to Diego's room. I knocked & he opened it & gave us his car keys & we were off. We took the elevator then walked around outside the hotel all the way around to his car. We both got in. I started the car & turned on the GPS. We were off. We got to the cafe really quickly since it was still pretty early.
Once we aarrived I parked close to the enterance in case we needed to leave in a hurry. We got into the cafe & ordered. I got a large Vanilla Cappucino with a croissant. We got our food & sat at a table outside. We started talking about random things like always.
"So what's up with you & Sam?" I just blushed & took a sip of my drink.
"Nothing, like always. I don't think we'll ever have an actual thing. It doesn't really bother me though." I said honestly. "What's up with you & Jacob?" I asked raising my eyebrows at her.
She almost chocked on her food. "I'm not sure it's complicated. He told me he liked me before we came on tour & I told him how I felt too but nothing else has happened so."
"You guys are so cute though like I'm your number 1 shipper." I said winking. She just laughed & we
Continued eating.
By the time we were done eating it was already gonna be 9. We left & saw that there were some shops & boutiques on the street so we parked & walked around there. We went into some of the stores & before we knew it, it was already 11. We decided to go back to our hotel & leave our bags. I only had 1 bag but I bought a ton of stuff. Mahogany had 3 bags but she got a few things from each place. As we drove back we saw that people were lined up all around the venue. We got to the hotel & took our bags up. When the elevator opened on our floor we saw Matt coming out of his room.
"Where have you been?" He asked us as we walked out of the elevator.
"We went for breakfast than went shopping." Mahogany said. He just said ok & then he went with us to our rooms.
I decided to finish editing while Matt & Mahogany made a few vines. It was 11:45 when Cameron came & told us we were leaving. We all went to where the cars were & drove off to the venue. They took us through the back way like yesterday & into the main room. We did the same thing as yesterday & then we all chilled till VIP came in.

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