Chapter 9

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Autumn's POV*
I woke up to the sun hitting my face. I turned over & saw a note next to me. I grabbed it & read it.

     Meet me in the lobby at 10
                       - Shawn

I checked my phone & saw it was 9:20. I jumped out of bed & took a quick shower. I blow dried my hair then curled it & did a light makeup & put on a cute but casual outfit. (Ootd:
I grabbed a smaller purse & put in my essentials. When I was done it was 9:55 so I went down to the lobby. I texted Mahogany that i'd be back later. Once the elevator door open i got in. My heart was beating faster than usual. I shouldn't be nervous though. Yeah I've liked Shawn for a while & Mahogany knows it. The door opened & I saw Shawn sitting looking at his phone. He heard the elevator open & he looked up at me. He walked over to me.

"Wow Autumn, you look amazing" He said as he hugged me.

"Thanks you don't look to bad yourself" i said hugging back.

We walked to the limo. Once we got in I asked where we were going.

"Were going to the fair." He said smiling. I smiled back. We drove in silence but a nice silence. Once we got there he held my hand for me to get out. He didn't let go instead he interlocked our fingers. I looked down & blushed. When I looked back up Shawn was smiling. We walked to the entrance & bought tickets.

"Where to first?" Shawn asked.

"There!" I yelled pointing at a roller coaster. He nodded his head & we walked towards it. We got into the line & waited. A few minutes later of waiting we got on. We screamed so much but it was fun. When we got off we were laughing so hard.

"We should get some cotton candy!" I said acting like a child.

"Alright but you have to share with me." Shawn said walking towards the nearest cotton candy stand.

"Shawn I can pay for it." I told him.

"I know but I don't want you too." He said as he payed for it. We walked & ate.

We went on every ride & played almost every game. Before we knew it, it was getting dark. We decided to leave. As we walked out of the park a few fans recognized us. They asked for pictures. When we were done Shawn told them we had to leave. He interlocked our fingers once more & i felt butterflies in my stomach. We heard the fans aww at us. We got into the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked him as I realized we were going the opposite way of the hotel.

"I hope you hungry" was all he said. We arrived at a nice little Chinese restaurant. We got off the car & Shawn led me into the place. We were sat at a table towards the back.

"Shawn it's so nice here. You didn't have too" i said looking around in total aww.

"Maybes I didn't have to but I wanted too." He said smiling. The waiter came & we ordered.

"That was amazing" Shawn said taking a sip of his drink. I nodded my head in agreement. Shawn payed & we left. He told me we were gonna go back walking since it wasn't far from the hotel. He interlocked our fingers & I couldn't help but smile. We talked about how the tour has been amazing & how crazy this is. We go to the hotel & went in the elevator. When we arrived at our floor Shawn got a text from the boys.

"Jacob said their watching movies in your room." We walked to my room.

"Shawn, thank you so much for today I had a really good time." I said looking up at Shawn. He smiled. Once we got to my room he stopped me from opening the door. He spun me so I was facing him. He looked in my eyes then at my lips & we both started leaning in. Our lips were about to touch when the door flew open. We both jumped back. We saw everyone at the door laughing.

"Imagine if we wouldn't have opened the door right there!" Taylor said trying not to laugh so hard. Me & Shawn blushed & walked into the room. I decided to change into some comfy clothes & got into my bed. Shawn came & laid with me. When the movie was over everyone started to leave. Shawn was about to get up when I pulled him back down.

"Stay?" I asked looking up at him. He nodded & got back in. He took off his shirt & pants & stayed in his boxers only. I didn't mind one bit. He wrapped his arm around my waist as I laid my head on his chest. He kissed my forehead & we fell asleep.
I felt someone moving next to me so I woke up. I saw Shawn cuddled up with a pillow with his mouth open a little. I couldn't help smile. He looks so cute & peaceful when he sleeps. I grabbed my phone from the night table & took a picture. I posted it on twitter & decided to make it my wallpaper.

"What are you doing?" I hear him ask in his raspy morning voice.

"Look" i say showing him my wallpaper. He started laughing & pulled me back in bed. "Shawn we have to get up the guys wanted to hang out today. He groaned & stretched. He got out of bed & pit his clothes on. I decided to walk him to the door.

"I'll see you in a while" he said kissing my cheek. He left & I heard Mahogany waking up.

"So what happened yesterday?" She asked sitting up. I sat on her bed & told her everything. "Aww thats so cute! He better ask you out & soon!" She said I just laughed. I decided to change. I didn't bother to shower so I used dry shampoo in my hair. It was colder so I decided to wear warmer clothes. (Ootd:
When we were ready we went to the guys room to tell them we were ready. We all walked to a cafe that was around the corner. We got in & ordered our food. I decided to sit with Shawn. He smiled when he saw me sitting next to him. We ate & then Matt said he needed new shoes so we went to the mall. We all went our separate ways. Mahogany & I went to H&M. We shopped for 3 hours then we all met up.

"We should get Panara!" I yelled

There was one in the mall so we went to that one. I ordered Mac & Cheese with a Avocado Turkey Sandwich. We all finished eating around the same time. When we were leaving I checked the time. It was already 5. We decided to go back to the hotel & chill since we had to be up early the next day. We were walking to the hotel & we were passing a Walmart when I though of a video for this week.

"GUYS!!!" I yelled. They all turned to me. "You guys should be in my video!" They agreed. "But i'm gonna need some things from Walmart." We walked towards Walmart. I walked to where the whip cream was & grabbed 13 cans. Then I got paper plates. I went to pay & we left. Shawn offered to carry the whip cream. I thanked him. He asked me what we were gonna film.

"Were each gonna ask each other questions & if we get it wrong we put whip cream on their face. But were doing it in teams." He nodded. We got to the hotel & I told them to put on clothes that they don't mind getting dirty. Everyone changed & came into our room. I set up my lights & camera. I told everyone about the teams we all made teams. In my team i had Mahogany, Taylor, Jacob, Aaron, & Matt. Cameron's team was Shawn, Nash, Jack & Jack. We sat with our teams & I started to record.

"Hey guys! So today I decided to film a little "challenge" video. As you can see I have a few people here to help me you guys may know them. If not then this is Mahogany Lox, Taylor Canniff, Jacob Whitesides, Aaron Carpenter, Matthew Espinosa, Cameron Dallas, Shawn Mendes, Nash Grier, Jack Gilinsky, & Jack Johnson." I explained what we were doing. Jack G asked me first.

"Autumn what's my favorite color?"

"Umm blue?" I said panicking.

"Close but no it's RED!" He said slapping a plate on my face. The plate fell & left me covered in whip cream. Everyone started laughing.

"Ok my turn.... NASH!!" Nash looked at me & swallowed. "What do I always do back home?"

"You show up at my house & steal my little sister" he said smiling.

"Dang it.." I kept my whip cream.

Everyone asked questions to each other a few more times we all got covered in whip cream at least once.

"Okay guys well that's it for this weeks video. I hope you guys enjoyed it. & thank you guys for being in my video." I said looking around at everyone. "Until next week. I love you guys!" I stopped the video. I put away my camera & lights. We all cleaned up & everyone left to shower. We said goodnight. I showered & got into bed. I didn't realize I was so tired. I fell asleep right away.

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