Last day of school

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Your point of view

I walked out of the classroom and caught up to my brother and our friends. " Hey assholes! And Richie." I said pushing myself in between Eddie and Richie ( Reddie! Anybody ok I'll stop) Eddie rolled his eyes at me thinking I didn't see him but I did. " Hey you can roll your eyes at me when you reach 5' 3"!" Eddie glared at me and said " Fuck you y/n you're short too!" I laughed and said " Yeah but I'm a girl you're a guy!" Richie was laughing really hard. Then we started talking about Stan's bar mitzvah. " I heard they slice the tip of his dick off!" Eddie said doing that stupid face he always does. Richie and I then said " Then Stan won't have anything left!" We then bursted out laughing. Stan then walked up to us and Bill said " I-is it t-true that at the b-bar mitzvah y-you have to slice the tip of your d-dick off?" Then Richie said " he'll pull his pants down and the crowd will tell where's the meat!' I laughed at this while everybody else just rolled their eyes. Stan said " At the bar mitzvah I give a speech read from the Torah then boom I'm a man." Richie then muttered " I can think of funner ways to become a man" I giggled then blushed because I sounded like a fucking three year old. We made it outside to the trash cans and dumped our bags out, " best feeling ever!" Stan said zipping up his now empty bag. Richie then said " Yeah try tickling your pickle for the first time!" Stan rolled his eyes and I laughed, we always laugh at each others jokes even if they're not funny, it's just something we do. Eddie then said " What are you all doing this summer?" Richie then said " I'm gonna start my training!" Eddie clearly confused said " Training?" " Street Fighter!" Eddie rolled his eyes and said " You really want to spend your summer inside of an arcade?!" Richie then smirked and I knew what was coming " Beats spending it inside your mother!" I then laughed and gave Richie a high five Eddie gave me a confused look and I realized she's my mom to oh well. Bill the broke the silence saying " Guys t-the Barrens!" " Oh yeah!" We all said remembering what Bill had told us about Georgie being there or something. " Oh who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water!" I said before getting thrown back into Richie, Bowers I thought before standing back up. Bill then said " y- you suck B-Bowers!" Henry walked up to Bill and I yelled " Do not fucking touch him !" Henry smiled at and walked up to me.  " What did you say sexy" He said putting his hand on my waist. " Get the fuck off of me!" I said kicking him in the balls. He stumbled back and said " This summer is gonna suck for you and your little faggot friends!" I flipped him off and then turned to the boys who's mouths were hanging open I laughed and walked away. Eddie caught up to me and said " that was brave what you did back there!" I smiled and wrapped my arm around him saying " Thank you Eds." The rest of the walk home was silent. I thought about how bad I feel for my twin who is a complete germaphobe thanks to our mom, then I thought about Richie, why was I thinking about Richie, and why can't I stop!

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