The Barrons

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All night all I could think about was Richie, his stupid glasses, his stupid smile, and his chocolate brown eyes. I think I must be sick or something because Richie is my best friend I can't think about him like that. Stupid hormones, I dragged myself out of bed and picked out my outfit for today

 Stupid hormones, I dragged myself out of bed and picked out my outfit for today

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I walked out of my room and Eddie asked " Hey what's wrong." I looked at him wondering if twins could read minds. I shook my head and decided I should tell him he'd understand, " Eddie can I tell you something..." He nodded his head and I walked over sat down and said " Ithinkimightlikerichie!" Eddie said " What was that" I sighed and said " I think I might like Richie!" Eddie laughed and said " Yeah I think everyone knew except you and maybe Richie!" I cringed and muttered " Shit"

Timeskip brought to you bye Finn Dogsoft

We walked up to the rest of the losers and for once I didn't open my unfiltered mouth. Richie of course noticed because I was his partner in crime or his fellow Trashmouth as some say.
" Hey y/n are you good!" Richie said coming up to me. I nodded my head and blushed at how close his was to me I just wanna go home!

                       Richie's pov

Holy shit did she just fucking blush! What should I do should I kiss her, what no! What the fuck is this girl doing to me!

                       Your pov

The awkward silence got cut off by Stan saying something about poison ivy. I decided to stop being a bitch and say something " not every fucking plant is poison ivy Stanley!" I said ruffling he's noodle hair. Richie laughed and Eddie said " Are you sure because I'm starting to get ichy!" Richie then said " Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" Eddie not realizing what was happening said " Sometimes yeah" Richie shrugged and said " Then you probably have crabs!" " Ew gross!" Eddie said cringing. I nudged Richie and said " come on Rich leave him be" Richie put his arm around me and said " ok babe!".I pushed him away laughing. Richie then said " aren't you coming in!" To Eddie and Stan, Eddie said " No that's greywater!" I looked at him and said " what the hell is greywater!" " Basically piss and shit so just telling you, your walking in millions of gallons of Derry pee!" I laughed and shook my head walking up to Bill. Richie and Eddie were arguing in the background but I couldn't hear what they were saying because I saw what Bill had in his hand and I felt sick. Bill looked back yelling " Hey g-guys l-look!" He held up the white shoe he had found only moment before. " Holy shit don't tell me thats-" " no Georgie wore galoshes!" " Who's is it." I said leaning closer to Bill, " Betty Ripsom's..."  I felt dizzy so of course me being me had to make a dumb ass joke " Just imagine how Betty feels running around these sewers with only one freaking shoe!" I said jumping on one foot Richie laughed and everyone else just rolled their eyes. Eddie then snapped and said " Y/n our mom will have an aneurysm if she know we are playing down here!" Bill rolled his eyes and said " i-if I was b-betty I would want to be found G-georgie t-too!" Eddie the said something really fucking stupid "What if I don't want to find her, no offense but I don't want to end up like Geor- I don't want to go missing either!" He corrected himself, Stan then said " Yeah its summer we should be having fun! This is not fun!" I went to say something but we heard a splash for behind us. I turned around to see a bloody boy laying in the water. " Holy shit what happened to you!" Richie yelled.
  Timeskip to the pharmacy

We pulled up to the pharmacy and sat the kid against the wall. " R-richie, y/n stay here!" I leaned down to the boys level and said " What's your name I'm
Y/n and this is Richie." The boy smiled at me and said " I'm Ben nice to meet you guys!" Richie then laughed and said " Wow she is never this fucking nice!" I slapped him and said " I hate you." He smirked and said " You love me really." I blushed because he wasn't wrong... Ben then said " are you guys dating or something?" I shook my head and said " hell no not this asshole!" Richie side hugged me and said " theres my girl!" I blushed and looked away. The boys came back with a bunch of medical supplies and started working on Ben. I heard a female voice saying " Ben from soc?" It was Beverly Marsh she was really nice and sometimes we talked between classes. She walked up and said " Are you ok that looks like it hurts?" He shook his head and said " I'm ok I only fell." Richie laughed and said " Yeah right into Henry Bowers!" I shook my head. Beverly then said " are you sure they got the right stuff to fix you up?" Bill then said " we'll t-take care of him t-thanks again B-beverly." She smiled and walked away Bill then stopped her and said " W-we are going to the quarry t-tommorow If you wanna come?" She said " good to know" and then walked away. The boys then started talking about how she was a slut and I said " they're just rumors really if you guys believe them you're just as bad as the people *cough* Greta *cough* spreading them so don't be assholes!" Richie fixed his glasses and said " sorry babe" I glared at him and they continued fixing Ben.

Timeskip because I'm lazy

Richie's pov

As I looked over at y/n all I could think about was how beautiful she is with her h/l h/c hair and sparkling e/c eyes. I think she maybe likes me back because she always blushes around me and shit but I'm to afraid to make a move. I can deal with this the only way I know how to, with bad pick up lines...

Your pov

Me and Eddie walked inside and our mom said " did my little angels have fun today?" I smiled at my mom and said " Yes Mommy we had a lot of fun!" Me and Eddie gave her on kiss on each cheek and went upstairs to bed, it was a long day.

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