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I was really happy that My mom and dad picked me and Sophie to sleep together all though I believe that they have a plan of their own I still can't help but feel elated. Tomorrow to wake Sophie up I'm going to tickle her, and to add a new part to her story I'm going to say ticky ticky ticky like how she tried to tell me she was ticklish tick tick tick, but to make it funny ticky ticky ticky. Sophie will probably will hate me after or will torture me with a spider, but I don't care I will get payback for her ruining my perfect plan to scare her. Yes it was my idea not Biana's, I was planing to scare her then she would fall into my arms but sense she ruined that I'm going to ruin her morning and maybe make her tell me her secret or beg for mercy, yes that's what I'll do. We'll see how the day plays out. Personally I hope we don't play truth or dare because sense Sophie knows my secret that could go down hill fast.

" Hey Fitzy you coming or what?" Sophie called from the door way. She knows I hate it when people call me Fitzy.

" Yes. And stop calling me Fitzy." 

"Ok well its Fitzy, Fitzroy, Wonderboy, or I can think of something else like Spider boy or maybe" 

" Ok Sophie I get it now you can stop trying to give me awful nicknames."  

" You're boring plus you started it Fitzy." Sophie informed me in her I'm taunting you plus I'm right voice.

" ugh you're never going to let that go are you?" I complained.

" Nope. Never."

" Sophie makeover time!" Biana screamed once we made it up to her room.

" Biana can we at least wait until after we play basequest please?"Sophie pleaded with my sister.

" Actually Biana that would be better for both of you that way Sophie doesn't play in your sparkly fancy clothes and now she might not have an Elwin emergency while playing basequest." I reasoned with my sister because if I was going to torture her tonight I didn't want my sister to torture her now. 

" Actually that would make sense because I don't want her to ruin my clothes."

" Hey, well actually its true so fine but Biana I might ruin them even if we're not playing a game." Sophie told my sister.

" Ok guys its girls versus boys ok?" Linh interrupted their little argument about clothes, clothes. 

" YES!"  All the girls screamed at once.

" We're guarding then." Tam said.

" Fine but if we win we're adding a twist. If we win we get to each have a chance to um... let's see...  Oh I know all of you have to do something really embarrassing like wear a bikini or tell one of your secrets!" Sophie exclaimed a little too happy to do so.

" Let's put it to a vote then. I call. "All in favor." All of the girls raised their hands. "All apposed." All of the boys raised their hands. 

" I guess that we aren't doing that." Dex said. Looking more than a little relieved, though honestly I was really relieved my self.

" No it's girls choice day." Sophie stated no willing to drop the idea.

" There's no such thing." Keefe said. Finally speaking up in the matter.

" Oh yah well look at this." Sophie showed us her iPod which did indeed say it was girls choice day. Curse those nice humans who thought girls should have a say in things.

Ugh Sophie you aren't going to tell them are you 

no but I bet biana can give me a tip for something embarrassing 

oh no please Sophie I'll do anything 

anything really then you can let me do this it is GIRLS choice day 

Sophie what if we play Dare or Double Dare tonight 

Nope that could end badly for me 

you caught that huh 

yas now if you don't mind I'm going to go win a game of basequest

" Girls get over here." Sophie called to her friends.

" Ok so I'll go after the base and I'll cloud your minds (can she do that. we're going to pretend she can if she can't) so that Fitz can't track your thoughts or read your minds now split up and what ever you do not get caught."

" Let's go win a game!" Linh said.

" Girls on three. One Two Three. GIRLS!  All of them shouted so loud and at once.

"Ok boys if we lose we are dead ok. So let's go out there and try not  get crushed so yah." Keefe said trying to give us a pep talk.

" Hey Keefe great pep talk." Tam said sarcastically.

" Hey well nobody asked you Bands Boy." Keefe retorted.

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