Intro and stuff

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Hello, and welcome. This is my first even fanfic.. At this point, what has my life come too? Anyways, are you tired of looking up "Felix X Kid" and getting nothing but the gosh darn same stories? Or just nothing but BTS? Well, my friend, you're not alone. Heck, I even looked up "Kindergarten" and STILL got BTS. Heh, anyways, I will try to upload this as much as possible, but.. I sadly have a life, thats not sitting in bed till 3AM. I will also try and use paragraphs, but I suck at using them... still.. how did I even not fail? But yeah.

So the story will be told from Kid's prospective, and maybe occasionally Felix. Kid's closet friends are Nugget, Lily, Billy, Ted, and Penny. That friend group was inspired by the fanfic "You're jealous, Aren't you?" Go read it, its a good Felix X Kid Fanfic. Monty and Karla work as business partners, and good friends, too. Jerome is also friends with them. Felix doesn't really have friends, besides his brother. After kindergarten, they started to get along, besides they occasional sibling fight. Felix hangs around Cindy, Buggs, and Ozzy, usually. Cindy is in love with Felix, and Buggs is just kinda there.. However, Ozzy and Felix are kind of friends.

Okay, so these are the ships that will be mentioned in the story
Felix X Kid
Nugget X Lily
Ted X Penny/Ozzy (Idk which one yet)
Monty X Jerome/Karla (Again, Idk!)
Lol don't judge me

Kid: Trying to be straight, but Gay
Felix: Bisexual
Nugget: Straight
Lily: Pansexual
Billy: Pansexual
Ted: Bisexual
Penny: Straight
Ozzy: Bisexual
Monty: Bisexual
Jerome: Gay
Karla: Bisexual
Cindy: Bisexual
Buggs: Straight

So, yeah!

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