Chapter 14

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A/N sorry again for last chapter. I had a bunch of stuff planned, and then it occurred to my stupid head that majority of the things I planned cant happen, when the main character has a broken lag. Hahah, kill me


It was a warm Wednesday afternoon. Kid, Lily, Billy, Nugget, Penny, and Ted were sitting under the shade of an old willow tree, avoiding the heat from the blazing hot sun. "So, anyone solved for X, yet?" Billy asked, looking hopefully at Penny. "For the last time, Billy, I am not giving the answers to you. You need to figure it out, yourself." "Not everyone literally has a calculator built into their skull, Penny." Billy said, vigorously erasing something on his homework. "That doesn't mean you shouldn't practice."

 Kid had finished his math about 15 minutes ago, and was working on an art project. Nugget had finished his homework all together, and was reading a comic book."This is boring." Lily said, as she attempted (and failed) to correctly answer her math homework."Absurd observation, Lily" Was all Ted said, not even looking up from his text book. 

It was silent for a bit, until a phone ringing was heard. Lily picked up her phone, and talked to who sounded like her mother. "Alright, time for Billy and I to leave." She said, as she collected her homework. "See you all tomorrow." Billy said, as him in Lily departed from the others. One by one, the rest of them left, until kid was alone. He often enjoyed being alone, just him and his thoughts. Although it wasn't that way for long. "Hello." Kid jumped a bit, and looked up to see none other then Felix Huxley

"Oh, hey Felix." Kid said surprisingly calmly, as he was internally freaking out. "What are you up to?" Felix said, a smile playing on his lips. "Just art homework.." Felix nodded. "Mind if I sit?" Felix said, gesturing to beside Kid. "O-Oh sure.." Kid was confused. Felix had no reason to be interacting with him, now that they had handed in their project. Felix took a seat next to him, glancing at Kid's sketch book. "Woah, did you draw that?" Felix asked, staring at the drawing. "Yeah, its not that good.." Kid said. "What are you talking about? Its amazing!"

 Kid felt his cheeks heat up a bit. "Thanks.." Was all Kid managed to say. "So what brings you here?" Felix said, attempting to start up a conversation. "Oh, my friends and I usually come here to do homework.." Kid explained. "What about you?" "Oh, its kinda hard to explain.. I guess I just really like it here. I enjoy being alone, not that I don't like being with people.. Its just.. sometimes I like-" "-To be left alone with your thoughts. Yeah, me too." Kid interrupted.  

It was silent for a bit longer. Not awkward, though. Felix once again broke the silence. "Wanna go get ice cream or something? Its really warm today." "Oh, sure! Just let me head home quickly, to get some money." Kid said, as he began to gather his stuff, and put it in his bag. "No, I'll pay." Felix said. "A-Are you sure?" Kid said, looking over at Felix. "Yup, I insist." Felix smiled.


After getting ice cream, Felix and Kid just walked around for a bit. They ended up at a bridge, that appeared to be deserted. The river it went over lead to a lake, and as it was around 7, you could see the sunsets reflection in the clear water. They leaned on the wooden railing of the bridge, talking about various things.

"Ya know, you're a really cool person, Kid." Felix said out of no where. "O-Oh, thanks.. Not really, though." Felix looked confused. "What do you mean? You're funny, smart, talented, caring, and I could go on." Felix said, looking over at Kid. Kid blushed a bit more with each compliment. "Not as cool as you." Kid said, before he could stop himself. Felix simply smiled. 

"Is it weird.. That I seem to have everything, but still feel incomplete?" Felix said, again, out of no where. "What do you mean?" Kid asked. "I have everything.. Good grades, a house, money, even a future set ahead of me.. But I still feel like Im missing something.. or.. someone." Kid hesitated, not sure how to answer. "Well.. do you know what or who that is?" Kid asked. "Yeah.. I think so." Felix said. "Then why don't you just go for it? You only live once, after all." Felix smiled. "Yeah.. I guess you're right.."

He looked at Kid, and smiled. "I should." Kid looked confused, until he noticed Felix leaning in.

Felix kissed him. 


A/N  hAH yOU'rE weLComE.

New game: Take a shot every time the story says "None other then Felix Huxley" 

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