Chapter 3

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Felix and I walked to the front doors, where Billy, Ted, and Penny were already waiting. After waiting for a few minutes, Ted and Felix went off to their Limo, (Sprinting, trying to not get wet from the rain) leaving Billy, Penny, and I alone. "So," Billy started. "What were you and Felix talking about.~" Billy smirked. "Nothing.." I muttered. "Oh come on, you've liked him since kindergarten!" Billy said. "I did not! Kindergarteners don't even know their sexuality's!" I exclaimed. "You still liked him, if you knew it, or not." "Oh, leave the poor kid alone." Said Penny. "He doesn't even know if he's gay, or not."

After a few moments of silence, Lily, and Nugget came. "And where have you been?" I asked, trying to distract Billy from the past conversation. "Nugget and the pretty Lily, had to help the Teacher of Nuggets." Nugget said. "Mhmm." I said, while smirking. "Probably making out in a corner." Billy snickered. Billy and I laughed, as Nugget and Lily began blushing, madly. Penny was just giggling, as we continued to tease each other, and ran to the van.

I got home, and ran up to my room, setting my bag down. I check my phone, to see a message from someone who's number I don't recognize. "Hey kid, its Felix. Ted gave me your number" I felt my face go red, as I read the message. I quickly typed in "Hi Felix." I looked at the message. No, that makes it sound like Im not happy Im talking to him.. "Hey Felix!" That sounds too clingy.. "Hello Felix" I looked at the message, then pressed send. I quickly changed his name in my Contacts, so I would know it was him in the future.

The rest of the day, was spent playing video games with Nugget, and Billy. If I wasn't doing that, I was doing homework. I decided not to eat. I hadn't eaten in a while. Usually I only eat, to make Penny happy. I got ready for bed, then lay down, thinking about today.

Today was a good day. I thought, as I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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