Chapter 1

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Where am I? I can't see anything.. everything.. is black. Everything is silent, besides my now heavy breathing. I look down, I can see myself. I seem to be glowing. Suddenly,  something breaks the silence.


Move you idiot

Why are you just standing there?


Move you're god damn legs, child

The voice sounded familiar, as if I had heard it before. But from where?

I have an odd feeling I shouldn't trust the voice. Something is off about it. Suddenly, I start falling into the black abyss. Then, I see an end screen, like the ones I saw in kindergarten. The hint was "Listen to the voice"

I jolt awake, to a confused Billy starting at me. "It was just a dream" I think to myself. "You good?" Billy asks me, confused. "Yeah.." I yawn, rubbing my eyes. "Wait.. how did you get in my house?" "Keys under the doormat." Billy replies. "Oh.." I say. "Anyways, unless you want to be late for school, I'd suggest you get ready." Billy gets up,  and walks out. "I'll be waiting in the car!" He says. "Ugh, school." I think to myself. I get up, and throw on some Jeans, and my favourite striped T-shirt, and a black hoodie. I gather my things, and walk outside.

I had barley taken a step outside, when I see a girl with light, blonde, shoulder length hair, a blue head band, matching her ocean blue eyes, stick her head out the window. "LOCK THE DOOR!" Penny said. She knew I never intended on locking the door, nor I did I ever. I sigh, and roll my eyes. "Fine, Mom!" I say, turning around, pulling my keys out of my pocket. After locking the door, I shove my keys back in my pocket, and head to the car.

I open the door, and sit beside a Dirty blonde, skinny boy. "Nugget hopes that Kid has had a good morning" The dirty blonde said. "Good morning to you too, Nugget." I look out the window, watching the houses pass by. It was a cold October day. The sky was so dark, it might as well just been night. It looked like it was going to pour with rain any second. Lily, a small, raven haired girl, was the first to break the silence. "Are ya'll gonna just sit there, like a bunch of depressed children?" A few chuckles were heard across the car. Then, a light blonde haired boy chimed in. "I saw Kid staring at Felix again the other day, in math~" Ted said. "Oooh~ again?" Said Billy. "Really?" I said." "Oh come on," Said Billy. "We all know you like him, just confess, already." I could feel my face grow red. "I-I do not!" I snap. "Mhmm." Said an amused Lily. "I'm not gay.." I said. The rest of the car ride. was my so called friends, teasing me about Felix.

To my relief, the school comes into view. Billy finds a parking spot, and we all get out of the van, and head to the high school. They're are children all over the place, talking. They still had about 15 minutes until class. It then started pouring with rain, and everyone
ran inside, trying to stay as dry as possible. I had just gotten into the school, when I ran into someone. Me, being a clumsy reck, ran into them, the fell backwards, hitting my head on the door behind me. I rub my sore head, and open my eyes, to see none other then Felix Huxley.

A/N so I forgot to say this part. They are all 15, but this is a place where you can get your drivers license at 15, not 16, cause I say so. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Hi

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