Chapter 6

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Time skip brought to you by the authors laziness~

Felix Huxley had always been protective of his twin, Theodore Huxley. He has grown out of the kill my brother phase, and they have bonded. It is common knowledge to everyone, if you lay as much as a finger on Ted, you will be hearing from Felix. And not nice things you will be hearing.

Felix POV (Le gasp)

Im sitting in my room, bored out of my mind. School has been out for about an hour and a half, and Im already done my homework. I decide to go get a glass of water from the kitchen. I walk downstairs, when Im snapped out of my thoughts.


I recognize the voice, and quicken my pace, walking to the living room, where the noise appears to be coming from. I stop outside of the living room door, listening carefully.

"Im sorry.."

"B+? Really? Why can't you be smart, like your brother."

"I did my best!"


To this, I open the door. Father was standing, screaming at Teddy, who was looking at the ground, in shame. He seemed to be on the verge of tears. Father was holding a paper. He was truly pissed about something. He then hits Teddy on the side of the head. I practically run to them. I stand in front of Teddy, making sure he couldn't get to him. I glared at my Father. "What on earth are you doing?" I ask furiously. "Teaching this rat that Huxley's get A's." He responds. "Thats no excuse to hit him!" I say. "Don't question my ways." "I will if I want to!" I respond. "That is no way to speak to your father." He says, giving me the death glare of the century. "You are not my father." At this, I grab Teddys hand, and we both run up to my room, where I lock the door.

"What happened? I asked, looking at my brother. "I-I-uhh.. F-father.." Teddy stuttered. "I got a B+ on a test.." Father always found the smallest little reasons to get in trouble. Teddy started crying. I hugged him, rubbing his back trying to calm him down. We both had been Physically, Emotionally, and Mentally abused since forever, but Teddy had it worse. Teddy eventually stopped crying, so I decided to put on some of his favourite movies, and we spent the rest of the knight binge watching Disney movies. The twins were on the couch in Felix's room.

After a while, Teddy and Felix were snuggled up next to each other, sharing a blanket and a bowl of popcorn.


Ted and Felix's phone's went of at the same time. Strange. The both picked up their phones.

         Billy has created a group chat
  Billy has added Felix, Lily, and 7 more

"Oh wow" I said looking at my phone. "Typical Billy." Teddy said, smiling.

Billy: talk, Im bored
Penny: Honest to god, Its 2 am
Billy: Your not my Mom
Kid: at this point, she miswell be.
Nugget: Nugget agrees with this statement. Penny is very much like a protective mother to all of us
Penny: I am Mother.
Lily: Uhm, insist
Penny: Whatever do you mean, child?
Lily: If you were are mother, that would mean you're dating one of your sons
Penny: Wat
Lily: Ted, Ted is now your boyfriend, and your son.

Felix looked up from his phone, smirking at his brother, who resembled a tomato, and was very flustered, looking at his phone.

Felix: Teddy is so red right now
Felix: Like seriously. He looks like a tomato.
Kid: Awww
Lily: Relationship goals.
Monty: If your opinion of relationship goals, is dating your son, Im very concerned.
Carla: Omfg XD
Ted: Screw you all, Im going to bed.

Ted put down his phone, and then I got up, and we arranged a bed for Teddy on the couch. I decided that it was best for me to go to bed, too. I waited till I was sure Teddy was happily asleep, and then closed my eyes.

What a hell of a day

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