Chapter 12

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Felix: Hey, you free today?



Is Felix friken Huxley asking my on a date?

Do I say yes?

Wait, no, that sounds lame

Make it sound like I'm not a loser with no plans

Yeah, that sounds good

Kid: Uhh, let me check 

Kid: Yup, looks like I'm free

Felix: Oh good, wanna work on our project later today? 

Right. The project. I totally forgot. 

Kid: Sure, what time? 

Felix: In about an hour, if that's good with you. 

Kid: Yup, sounds good.

Felix: Okay, see you soon :)

Kid: Cya

Crap, I used a short form.. Wait, everyone uses those.. its cool, right? 

But Felix isn't everyone.. 

He's different.

He is so formal, all the time, he uses proper grammar.

And dresses nice.

I bet his place looks nice-



I jump up to my feet, and begin cleaning everything. About 50 minutes later, the place is spotless. Just like my mother use to keep it. She had OCD, and everything had to be organized. Dad and I use to always joke about how she loved cleaning. In reality, she didn't. She loved the result of cleaning. I snap out of my thoughts, when hear the doorbell ring.


I sprint across the house, towards the door. I then trip down the stairs. Wow. How lame.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" I hear the voice, that I loved so much.

"Uhhh.. Yeah, one minute.." I then try to get up. I fall back down, as soon as I put pressure on my leg, and curse under my breath. "I'm coming in!" (More like coming out-) I hear Felix call. Felix opens the door, since the stairway is right in front of the doorway, (for plot, of course) he is greeted with me sitting on the floor, grasping onto my leg, which is already covered with blood. 

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?!" Felix said, for a second time, as he ran over to me. "Yeah I'm fine.. Its just bleeding a little" Felix looked me in the eye. "A little?" "Okay a lot." Felix was now kneeling in front of me.  "Do you have a first aid kit?" He asked. I nodded, and said "In the bathroom.. I can go-" "Where is your bathroom?" Felix cut me off. "Upstairs, second door to the right." I grumbled, annoyed with his stubbornness.

 Felix was back a moment later, and forced me to sit on the stair steps, as he tended to my leg. "Gosh, you're just like Penny" I say, slightly annoyed. I found it rather embarrassing, and I felt as if I could do nothing for myself. "If you mean by protecting the ones I care about, then yes. Indeed" I feel my face heat up, as he says this, and decide to stay quiet until he finishes with my leg. I was about to try and get up, but Felix made me sit back down. "I wanna check if its broken" He said. "You should of done that, before it was covered in bandages." I point out. "Shhhh" He says, continuing to check my leg out. (Nothing knew, just Felix checking out Kid) 

"Well crap" He says, looking up to me. "Its not broken, is it?" Felix nods his head. "Cmon, lets get you to a doctor" He helps me up, and puts my arm over his shoulder, as he leads me to the door. I feel my face heat up, and mumble a "Thanks." To him. He simply smiles, and says "Anytime, happy to help"


Felix's driver has picked us up, and took us to the hospital. After waiting for about an hour, talking about anything in particular, I finally got an X ray. 

"Yup, definitely broken" The doctor says, looking up from his clipboard to look at me. "Oh.. Thanks for telling me" I say "No problem, you snapped it like a twig, what happened?" He questioned. "I fell down my staircase" I say. "Oh, well, I hope you don't fall off the hospital bed, while I go get your cast ready." He smiles and walks out of the room, leaving Felix, who insisted he was going to stay with me, alone one more. 

"I'm sorry I dragged you into all this." I say, he looks at me, and smiles. "Its fine, its always an adventure with you, isn't it?" I chuckle a bit, and nod. "That's one of the many things I like about you." He says. My face turns to a deep shade of red. His phone then rang. "Hello?" I heard him say. "Oh, I'm at the hospital, with kid." "He broke his leg." "We're at ******* hospital" "Okay, see you soon. Bye" Felix hung up, and looked at me. "It was Ted," He explained. "Him and Penny are on their way." He said. I smile, and then realize something. "Wait, him and Penny?" Felix nods. "Does that not mean  they were together..." I question. Felix looks confused, then he seems to understand what I mean, and smile. "I guess so." 


A little while later, I was home. It was late now, as it took forever for the doctor to actually come back, and put a cast on my leg. Everyone had come to see us, but the doctors refused to let them come see me, for some stupid reason. I lay in bed. So much had happened. He said he cared about me. He said he liked me. What am I thinking. He men't as a friend. Nothing more. But still. I close my eyes, and drift into sleep. 


Ayeeeeeee I'm back

I wrote a good chapter this time!

It ain't 1000 words, like I usually aim for, but its like, 930, so close enough. I only just realized how similar Penny and Felix were.  They both are really protective. They are bother really smart. They both dress in blue. They both have blonde hair, and blue eyes. (No, Felix does not have red eyes in this story.) Penny is probably gonna become a really successful person, but I personally see Felix becoming a popular YouTuber- 

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