Jeon Jungkook

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You were sitting on the couch blankly staring at the tv that had the credits running of the movie you had just finished watching.

You were tucked under a comfy blanket while you gently hugged a Cooky plushy and munched on the last few pieces of popcorn.

You finally got out from underneath the blanket, throwing it to one side, placing Cooky on top of it and then stretching yourself as you stood up and looked around your empty apartment.

Jungkook, your wonderful boyfriend of 4 years was busy at work.
The boys were preparing for a comeback so he's been in a lot of pressure lately and has been working till the late hours of the day.

You had a gloomy expression on your face as you thought of how much you had missed him.
In the past few weeks the only time you ever saw him was when he accidently wakes you up at night when he gets in bed to kiss and cuddle you.
He would whisper sweet nothings to you if he thought you were asleep, sometimes even apologizing because he's always late only to get surprised whenever you interrupt him with passionate kisses.

From time to time you would wake up in the morning without him next to you...And then on other days you would only manage to shove a piece of food into his mouth after he gives you your morning kiss and has to run off to work.

It's been hectic, but you knew this won't last for long and that after the comeback things will go back to normal. So you lifted your spirits and thought about seeing him tonight.

You made your way to the kitchen to cook yourself something for lunch.

~An hour later...~

You had just washed the dishes and made your way back to the living room.

You tried to think of something to do but nothing seemed to come to your mind.

You noticed the little blanket you had thrown to one side that had Cooky sitting on top of it.

You picked up the blanket so you could fold it and keep it aside when you noticed that it smelt like food.

*gasp* "I know what I should do!" you energetically said to yourself as you quickly took all the blankets and whatever stray clothes that were around the house and happily made your way to the laundry room.

~ 10pm ~

Jungkook was on his way home from work.

The car came to a slow halt as the traffic light turned red and he leaned back against the driver's seat.

He was tired.
His feet were sore, his eyelids were heavy, the only thing he wanted right now was to collapse in your embrace.

He felt bad as he thought of you, how you were patiently waiting for him alone in your home.
You never complained, instead you were very understanding and only supported him in any way you could.
No matter how important work was or how busy it kept him, Jungkook loved you unconditionally and he would do anything for you.

~ 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝐘 𝐎 𝐔 ❥Where stories live. Discover now