Min Yoongi

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It was 8 in the morning at the BigHit headquarters.
You were hovering outside the door to the main dressing room.
Even after years of doing this, coming into work always proved to be a brand new and harder challenge everyday.

You stood there in the empty hallway as your mind and your heart were in battle

Mind - "Come on....you are too old for this. You are a grown ass adult...you don't have time for silly crushes."

Heart - "Yeah, I wish it was just a silly crush...I cannot believe I fell for him....I'm so stupid"

Mind - "Yup, that you are....Just as stupid as the one you love who is oblivious to the situation. I cannot believe he hasn't realized you love him....Now shut up and get to work...YOU CAN DO THIS"

You noticed a few of the boys were making their way to you causing you to lower your voice from when you were talking to yourself moments ago.

They finally reached you, bowing their heads slightly and proceeding into the room.

Heart - "Yeah I can do this...I did it all this time haven't I. Fighting.....He probably will never realize anyway. To his mind, I probably don't exist." you mumbled softly to yourself before deciding to go in when suddenly you heard a familiar voice

"Who doesn't exist?" he said as he walked from BEHIND you, stopped in front you, bowed his head and then waited for your reply.

However, that was not possible as you felt your voice hitch causing you to cough when you saw who it was and realized that he may or may not have heard what you said earlier.

"Are you ok?" he asked, concerned that you were still coughing

"Y-yeah I'm fine....Thank you Suga. Why don't you get in and start getting ready. I'll be in shortly." you managed to say in between your cough attack.

He nodded and went into the room after which you face palmed yourself for being a complete idiot.
After shrugging off what had just happened you put on your professional mode and made your way inside.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

NOTE: You are the head of BTS's Styling Department which meant you were in charge of looking over all styling aspects from Hair to makeup, outfits and accessories and anything related in the matter.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ time skip ~

It was already a couple hours after closing time. The boys have already finished shooting for the day and had gone home.
All except for Yoongi.
He was in his office busy searching for his special headphones that have gone missing. He then decided to go to the dressing room to see if he had left it there.

You were still in the dressing room as you were preparing things for the next day

"What shirt do you think Suga would like for tommorows shooting of RUN BTS?" your stylist asked as she stood by a rack of clothes showing you a couple of options

~ 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝐘 𝐎 𝐔 ❥Where stories live. Discover now