Kim Namjoon

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It was 8 in the morning, the sound of your alarm echoed through the entire room causing you to wake up from your sleep.
It was your day off today but you had forgotten to turn it off the previous day so you were annoyed that your peaceful slumber was interrupted so unexpectedly.

You hoped and prayed that your alarm wouldn’t wake up Namjoon up, but it was pretty loud and in a matter of seconds you felt his body move behind you and soon you felt his hands wrap around your waist as he kissed the back of your neck.

“hmm…you forgot to turn your alarm off yesterday?” he said in his deep voice that still sends chills through your body to this very day.

You turned your body so you were facing him.
“I’m sorry….I honestly forgot about it yesterday….I didn’t mean to wake you up…” you said apologetically as you buried your face in his wide chest.

“Don’t be sorry….I only asked because I felt bad that you had to wake up so early after you slept late yesterday.” he said as his thumb drew circles on your back.

“It’s alright…don’t worry about it….we can go back to sleep.” you said as you cuddled against him and closed your eyes.

He didn’t say anything after that so you wondered if he had fallen back asleep but when you opened your eyes you saw a pair of beautiful eyes looking right back at you.

A smile formed on your lips as you lifted one of your arms and ruffled his hair.
You chuckled lightly “sorry for waking you up…” you said, seeing that he couldn’t go back to sleep.

He smiled back at you “maybe there is something you can do……to make it up to me” he said while his hands went under your shirt and moved to your lower back.

“ohh…..I see….well why don’t you tell me what you would like me to do for you……or….to you.” you said seductively as your fingers moved over his biceps as light as feathers.

“Kiss me.” he said

You smiled at his simple request. You moved your body upwards slightly, looking at him as you told him how much you loved him just with your eyes.
You then slowly parted your lips and kissed his gently.

The both of you kissed softly for a few seconds before Namjoon gently pushed your shoulder so you were lying on your back as he hovered on top of you before deepening the kiss.

It was a long and passionate kiss turning the two of you into hot messes as your hands were all over each other.

Your hands were all up in his hair as you tugged and pulled on it while his hands were doing the same to your shirt as he fought with his thoughts on whether or not to take it one step further and just rip it off your body.

Let’s just say he lost the battle with himself and the two of you did NOT end up going back to sleep.

~ time skip ~ after lunch

The two of you were having a break and drinking ice tea in your little garden after watering and tending to your bonsai trees.

~ 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝐘 𝐎 𝐔 ❥Where stories live. Discover now