Kim Seokjin

166 11 2

“Seokjin-ah I can’t believe I have to justify myself after being with you for almost 8 years and being married to you for another 2!
I don’t know who told you about this or showed you this photo but what you think you are seeing is not true.” you said as you were close to tears

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Jin has been stressed for the past few weeks due to a comeback.
During these days he would be very panicked, on edge, pressured and it caused his mind to be clouded and not think straight.

But today, he took it one step over the line.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jin – “What do you mean it’s not true? I’m not stupid or blind Y/n! I have eyes that can see clearly! You are hugging this guy in front of everybody….who knows what happens when no one’s looking?!”

Y/n – “Jin do you hear yourself right now… you hear what you are accusing me of? HE IS MY HIGHSCHOOL BESTFRIEND!!! We just came across each other in the coffee shop after not seeing each other for so many years. We just hugged. He is MARRIED!!!
And regardless of what you think of me, I am NOT the type to break someone’s marriage and that includes MY OWN!”

Jin – “Yeah well it looks like it’s about half way there!”

Y/n – “What?!....Jin what is wrong with you right now. This is not you. Please come to your senses and think, before you do something you will regret.”

Jin – “You know what, I honestly can’t even look at you right now…I need time to think” he said in frustration and anger as he ran his hands through his hair.

He then took his coat that he had just hung on the stand from when he came home a half hour ago and walked out of the house.

As soon as you heard the door slam shut, you collapsed to the floor as you finally let out all the tears you held in from the hurtful words Jin spoke earlier.

You couldn’t believe what just happened.

You knew your husband; you knew this was not the real him.
You actually felt bad for him and in a way you felt the tears that you shed were because of how bad or sorry you felt for him.
Him being the eldest you knew he had a lot of responsibilities and that it caused him to be this way.

So no matter what, you always stuck by him even when he would argue or get off at you over something that was not true

You let out a heavy sigh as you wiped your tears away with the back of your hand.

You then put your palms against the cold marble tiles and pushed yourself up off the floor and made your way to the kitchen.

2 hours later you were at the door as you had a suitcase packed and ready to leave.

~ time skip ~ at BigHit ~ lunch break

Jin has been a complete mess for the rest of the morning.
On the drive back to BigHit he quickly realized what he did to you.
He felt miserable, and even though he didn’t ask to end the relationship he already regretted every single thing he said to you and finally saw how much of a jerk he was earlier.

~ 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝐘 𝐎 𝐔 ❥Where stories live. Discover now