Jung Hoseok

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“All set?” you asked out loud while you were in front of the mirror buttoning your uniform.

“yeah…” he replied softly

You immediately turned towards him wondering why he was so quiet.

He was on the edge of the bed.

He had a very depressing look on his face, one that he did not wear often.

You quickly walked up to him and sat on his lap straddling him.

You held his face in your hands and looked into his eyes.
“Hobi-ah…..what’s wrong…do you still feel sick…has your cold not gone yet?” you asked as the expression on his face didn’t seem to change

“It’s not that honey, it-it’s just that I hate the fact that you won’t be able to come with us on tour this time. I just wish you could come. I need you….” he said with a heavy sigh towards the end.

You felt terrible seeing him like this when you said “my love….you know I would come in a heartbeat. It’s just that my work is in the way. I don’t have any off days left for this year….so they won’t allow me. Other than that it is peak season so it’s even more busy than usual…”

You then looked down and softly sighed saying “sorry…”

His head fell on your chest as his arms wrapped around you

“Don’t apologize….it’s not your fault. I know how tough your job is having so many people depend on you. You work so hard for it…It’s only fair that I support you, when you’ve always supported me and been there for me in the past…..now that you’ve been promoted. It’s my turn to support you.”

He finally looked up, smiling at you before saying “Don’t worry about me. As long as I can talk to you every day or see you through a video call I’ll be happy. I’m so proud of you princess, and I love you so much.”

“You know I love you too and no matter how busy my work keeps me, I’m always there for you. You know if there is ever a need…I’ll fly from wherever I am and come right to you.” You replied as you softly smiled at him.

Y/n - “For now…..can I have a kiss before I have to go?”

Hoseok - “I would love to….but I still feel a bit sick so-.”

“I don’t care….I’m not going to see you in a while…If I get a bit sick…then so be it. It’s worth the risk.” you interrupted as you grabbed his face and kissed him one last time before he had to go.

~ time skip a couple of days later ~ after BTS’s first concert in their tour

The boys were backstage taking a breather as they just ended the concert.

Hoseok was lying on one of the couches as his assistant fanned him and gave him water to cool down when he heard a staff call out to him and say “Hoseok-ah. You have some guests in the concert halls VIP room. They requested for you. NOW if possible”

~ 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝐘 𝐎 𝐔 ❥Where stories live. Discover now