Park Jimin

207 15 1

~ at home ~ 1pm

“I wish you could come” Jimin sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and looked at you with a such a sad expression.

BigHit staff and groups were going to attend The Seoul Music Awards, one of the biggest music awards in Korea.
Jimin wanted you to be there with him but as much as you would have loved to go and support your boyfriend you had an important thing happening to you today too.

You walked towards Jimin who was sitting on the edge of the bed. His head was now hung low as he stared at the floor

“hey…..” you said as you lifted his chin upwards and smiled at him softly.

“You know why I can’t come….I was the resident that they chose to assist in a surgery today, so the Attending Neurosurgeon asked me to be there early. You know I would have loved to come there to see you guys win the award. To scream your name and cheer for you, but the surgery was urgently booked today……Jimin-ah it’s a little girl who has a swelling in her brain. We will be performing a Craniectomy on her to stop the swelling so that she can get better.” you said as you tried to make him understand the seriousness of the situation.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t understand how important this is. Don’t worry about me. I’m sure you will be there next time. You will be in my heart….just as I am in yours while you do the surgery today. I know you will do well…..I’m very proud of you and the job that you do. I love you,…Dr Y/n.” he said as he hugged you while he was still sitting…so his head was on your stomach.

You laughed softly when he called you Dr.Y/n but you hugged him back kissing the top of his head
“You know I love you more.”

“Not possible…” he said, as he stood up, slowly grabbed your neck, pulled your face closer, and kissed you passionately.

Your faces started to heat up as the both of you kissed each other without even taking a breath.

Your hands were now in his hair pulling him closer to deepen the kiss while his hands followed suit and moved from the back of your neck down your chest and landed on your waist pressing you against his body.

“Y-y/n let’s save this for tonight…..I deserve a present from you if we win.” he said after pulling away from the kiss.

You looked up at him as you thought of a way to boost his confidence.

“First of all….I know you guys will win. All of you work so hard on your music, you deserve this.
Second of all……you will get a present tonight, whether you win…or not” you said as you smirked at him and then wiped the lipstick that got smudged on the corner of your lip.

Jimin’s eyes turned dark with lust before he quickly snapped back to reality and flapped his shirt to cool himself
“Wow…is it just me or did it get hot all of a sudden” he said as he tried to play it off.

You chuckled at him, noticing what’s happening
“All the more reason for you to go take a long bath and start getting ready…you take a while to prepare yourself when it comes to special events…so I suggest you start now.” you said as you turned him around and pushed him towards the bathroom.

You heard him chuckle and then get his things ready.

Y/n - “What are you going to wear today….?”

Jimin - “One of my Chanel suits that’s there on the couch…my stylist brought my shirt earlier. I need to get it steam ironed properly…I’ll probably take them with me and sort it later at the dressing room after I get hair and makeup done….Will you be leaving soon?”

Y/n – “I still have an hour before I have to leave…I’ll be downstairs…...but I might end up going earlier….so I may not be here by the time you come out from your bath.”

Jimin – “What time will you be home?”

Y/n – “I’m not sure….the surgery should take around 4 hours if it goes smoothly….so I’ll probably make it back home in time to catch you guys on tv.

Jimin – “Ok then, I’ll see you tonight….goodluck on the surgery sweetheart” he said before going in the bathroom.

You were now in the bedroom. You had almost an hour to spend so you decided to get your things ready for when you had to leave.

After you finished your little errands you went to your drawer and opened it as you came across a little velvet box

~ time skip ~

Jimin was waiting in the dressing room.
He already had his hair done and was just waiting for makeup.

The rest of the boys noticed he was quiet but at the same time he had a little smile on his face.
He was looking at his phone for some time before he closed it putting it aside and letting out a contented sigh.

“hyung….everything ok?” Jungkook asked Jimin curiously

“Mhmm.” Jimin hummed as he sat on the chair to get his makeup done.

He then closed his eyes as the reason why he was happy started to play in his mind

~ FLASHBACK ~ earlier at home ~

Jimin had just finished his bath and was now walking out the bathroom as he was drying off his hair with a towel.

After putting on his undergarments he made his way to his fancy walk in closet sliding the door open and walking in to a little surprise.

He chuckled softly in his little daze

He saw the shirt he was going to wear beautifully ironed and hanging on a rack.

~ 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝐘 𝐎 𝐔 ❥Where stories live. Discover now