This is the book of the collection of a one-shot I have written about some f1,f2, and f3 drivers. I still taking requests, so if you have one just drop me a message or make a comment on my prompts chapter.
6 months ago I gave birth to a beautiful little boy Noah, my husband Lewis had been a great father even with his busy career, he was home as much as possible. Tonight Lewis had invited his family out for dinner with us. We hadn't been out much since little Noah was born but Lewis really wanted to go to dinner with his family and his little guy, he didn't get to see his family too much and they hadn't seen Noah for a couple of months.
Noah was having a little nap while I got ready, he had started teething and was crying often, he had fallen with love with one of the old phone cases that I never used, he was always bitting on it and would cry his eyes out if he didn't have it near him. Lewis found it cute and funny,I did my makeup very basic, while I got ready Lewis kept an eye on Noah while he was asleep.
Soon we were getting in the car and driving to the restaurant,lewis had his hand on my lap while he drove. Once we arrived I got Noah out of his car seat and put him in his pushchair,I got his diaper bag and we walked inside. We saw Lewis family sat down at a table, we walked over everyone gave both me and Lewis hugs but soon everyone wanted to see Noah, he loved attention.
We sat down and order food soon Noah started crying I knew his gums were hurting a lot I took him out his pushchair and put him on my lab, we started chewing on his phone case. Once we finished our main meal, Lewis took Noah onto his lap. and started playing with him, Noah started laughing and just being cute. I chatted away to family. I took a photo of Lewis and Noah as there were being so cute. I felt so happy to have such an amazing husband who I have an amazing little boy with.
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After dinner we drove home, Noah was fast asleep in the backseat in his car seat. I felt pretty tired myself I hadn't been out since Noah was born so we were both tired. I woke up when we arrived home I got out the car and picked up Noah trying not to wake me up,I warped him up in a blanket as it was cold outside. Lewis got everything out of the car,I walked upstairs with Noah I changed into one of his sleepsuit and places him into his cribs, I stood just looking at him for a while just thinking how lucky I was.